Chapter 1: Fallen

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The sea glistened as the full moon was slowly rising above the waters. No clouds were polluting the blackened sky, nor was it hiding full moon of its beauty. The freezing cold waters lapped over your toes as you sat on the shore. Goosebumps rose all over your skin, but you weren't feeling cold at all. It was mostly due to your Quirk: Mermaid.

Quirk: Mermaid
As long as (y/n) is covered in water, she can push her legs together for her blue-green tail to form. Possessing some aspects of a fish, she's able to continue to stay warm- even if she's freezing just a bit. Ice doesn't bother her at all. With a limit, she can control different aspects of water. For example, she can control water for about a minute before her head starts to get dizzy. Also can use echo-location by clicking her tongue to find her way through the dark oceam

You pulled your knees close to your chest, laying you head on your knees. Boredom quickly began to fill your mind as you thought of returning home.


An explosive noise went off about a mile away. You stood to your feet, wondering what could've caused the noise. Almost like a shooting star, something came out of the explosion. It was dark in color, but the gray/orange smoke trailed after it. Training your eyes over it, you saw it soar over you- plummeting into the ocean.

The urge to go to this object... it overwhelmed you. Diving into the cold water, you moved your legs together. A slight numbing sensation ran throughout your legs; before you knew it, your legs were replaced with a tail. Clicking your tongue, you were able to pinpoint the object. This wasn't an ordinary object. It was... a boy?

You swam towards him, clutching onto his shirt. He was losing oxygen quickly- what should you do? Feet below the surface, he wouldn't have made it in time if you swam him up. Plus, there was the fact that he was knocked unconscious because of that explosion that occurred only moments ago. You took the next step that you didn't expect to do...

A kiss.

Once your lips met with his, you exhaled into him. Hoping to give him enough to breathe once more. Just until you brought him up to the surface. Pulling away, you pushed with all your might into your tail so you could bring him up to the surface. Breaking free of the water's grasp, you made it to the surface. Land was just a few feet away. Could you make it? No time to look back on the negative. You continued forward.

Washed ashore, you laid the boy on the damp sand. Your tail slowly dissolved- the scales were falling off with a lace-like substance between each scale. Instantly, you placed your ear against the boy's chest. The steady beat of his heart calmed yours down. This boy... he wasn't worried about anything. 

Compelled to move his hair out of his face- the burn mark over his left eye shot a stunned recognition through you. His hair was parted from white to red- just what you remember him.

"Shoto... Todoroki..." You say softly, stunned to realize it was him. The son of Endeavor. He was right here. You... saved him from drowning in the waters. "Shoto..." You whispered once more, shaking your head. It was really him.

A small grunt came from Todoroki, which made you jump back. "W-Where..." He says so weakly as his fingers wiggled. "Where..."

You returned to Todoroki's side, holding his hand. "You're safe. There was this explosion and you were propelled in the air. You fell into the waters, and I saved you. Don't worry, you're safe, Todoroki."

It sounded a bit creepy when you were talking to Todoroki at such an equal level like this... but it seemed that he didn't care. He struggled to sit up, and you helped him up. He gave a weak smile, coughing some water up. "Thanks... what's your... *coughs* what's your name?"

You smiled softly, blushing a bit. "(y/n) (l/n). It's nice to have met you, Todoroki. I wish we met under... different circumstances... you're such a cool person... like you're untouchable by most people."

Todoroki chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "It's alright... anyways... c-can you help me get back to the city? I got carried away..." He chuckles as he struggles to his feet. "Quite literally."

You wrapped his arm over your neck as he leaned all of his weight on you. He walks with a limp, slowly moving forward. "What happened at the city? You just... flew through the air... there was an explosion too."



Todoroki chuckled as he walked on forward with you by his side. "Bakugou was doing something... hit a barrel and got me flying. I don't remember much after being flung in the air. I just remember... never mind, it was you that saved me in the waters, right? That's what it was..."

You blushed some more, getting him onto the road. "What do you remember in the waters?"

"A... a kiss...."

Like a twig snapping in the forest, that moment made you remember about that slight kiss underwater. How you did it to save Todoroki's life. Though it was necessary, it still made your cheeks warm and your heart pounding. "T-That... i-it was necessary! H-Honest! A-And I didn't realize you were Shoto Todoroki..."

"Thank you... for saving me..."

You blushed more, walking him to the nearest bus station. You sat next to him as you rode the bus into the city. Todoroki was silent most of the way, but it was such an honor being by his side. Not many girls, like yourself, would have the chance to talk to him with such an equal footing.

Riding into the city, Todoroki had you lead him towards the center of the city. It seemed that Class 1-A was doing some practicing in the city. The boy, who you presumed was Bakugou, walked over to you and Todoroki with anger fueling in his eyes. 

"Oi... where were you?!"

"Nearly drowning in the ocean. You?"

Bakugou clenched his fists, growling. "Here trying to destroy some props. Unlike you, I was doing something better. And who's that next to you?"

Todoroki looked towards you, giving a small smile. "It's (y/n), and she's the one who rescued me. Maybe I should thank you for blowing up that barrel near me. After all, if that didn't happen, I wouldn't have met (y/n) here."

Bakugou turned around, stomping off. He murmured words like, "half-n-half," "bastard," "shut up," etc.

Todoroki looked back towards you, sighing heavily. "Anyways... I want to keep in touch with you... if you don't mind. Mind if we exchanged phone numbers?"

You nodded, nearly fumbling for your phone. "Y-Yeah..."

"Sorry about it. I just remembered that I didn't ask for your number. Forgive me." Todoroki says as you silently exchanged phone numbers and ensuring that information was downloaded into the phone. Todoroki took a deep breath, nodding his head. "Well... I hope I'll see you around, (y/n). Let's stay in touch."

He held out his right hand, smiling softly. You returned that smile, shaking his hand. "Yeah. Let's stay in touch."

{Todoroki x Female Reader} FallenWhere stories live. Discover now