Chapter 4: Um... Girl Troubles...

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Todoroki's POV

"Yaoyorozu," I started to talk to her in private, "I need... need some advice. Can you help me with it? And please... can you tell me who else I can safely talk to for more advice?"

Yaoyorozu nodded her head, smiling softly. "Of course, Todoroki. What do you need advice with? With all the secrecy... it seems you really want this to be on the down-low... don't worry, I won't open my mouth to anyone without you permission."

Nodding my head, I leaned against the wall with such a heavy sigh. Since that little outing with (y/n), I couldn't get her out of my head. It was plaguing me- attacking me without a warning. Surely a girl should know what it means, right? "Yaoyorozu... what can you do about me... having thoughts about this one girl? Or... in other words... what's your advice to keep a girl from leaving?"

She tilts her head, nearly confused. "Can you perhaps make it a bit clearer? A certain girl within your mind?"

"I... I kinda took her out for lunch yesterday..."

"Oh... I see..." Yaoyorozu then held her chin, "I see now. Hm... have I met this girl? I might be able to give a better input if I knew her..."

"No, you wouldn't have known her. I've met her about 2 days ago. Again, from a girl's perspective, how... um... how do I... gah, it's hard to put into words..." I scowled, pinching myself for a bit to try to get a grip. "Ugh... how can I not get her to hate me...?"

"I mean... you're a... lovable guy." Yaoyorozu says, tapping her fingers on her arm. "I doubt that this girl would ever hate you. I mean, you did take her out to lunch yesterday, correct? How did she take it? Did it take some talking to? Or did she accept it quickly without any remarks?"

"(y/n) accepted it without any remarks."

Once more, Yaoyorozu nodded her head. "I see... that proves that she wouldn't be angry at you. No grudges... I'm sure that there's no way to get her angry at you... unless you actually do something against her... but you're asking for advice to keep her by your side? You sure you're not trying to ask some advice how to get her as a girlfriend?"

It was like it was a bullet that shot through me. "I-It's not like that. I don't want to... rush things... we're just acquaintances. A-Again, it's not like that." Was it though?

Yaoyorozu nodded her head again, "Well... this is quite hard to give advice... especially since I haven't met her. Each girl has their own desires from their boyfriend... and in most cases, giving gifts might be nice."

"Okay, that's one thing." I nodded my head, crossing my arms across my head. "Which kind of gifts should I definitely avoid, but definitely give to her...? Yaoyorozu, do you have any advice for that?"

"Hm... well... maybe some sort of chocolate? Most girls like sweets."

"Sweets, huh?"

"It really depends on the girl. If I were you, maybe tour around the streets and find out things about her favorite types of objects. Like take her to her favorite restaurant, find out her favorite snack, maybe even her favorite series. Again, it's pretty vague, but it's the best I can do. Does it help at all, Todoroki?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, thank you, Yaoyorozu. I appreciate the help."

"Oh, and you asked who else to ask? It's okay to ask all the girls in 1-A for advice. I'm sure that you pretty much avoid all the guys in our class... maybe Deku might have some advice? No offense to him, I don't think he would have advice on how to treat girls... asking the girls are a much safer bet."

Once more, I nodded my head. "Thanks again, Yaoyorozu."

"Good luck!" 

Nodding my head, I walked out of the dorms, thinking about what to give to (y/n). Sweets are mainly a safe bet... so I might do that. But... is it possible I could get her something else? Or is that something I should do if we're a bit closer? Maybe it's best to go to the safe path. Get her some... wait... what does she like...? If I text her, it might ruin the surprise. Ugh... are these the troubles that every boyfriend face for their girlfriends?

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