Chapter 9: First Fall

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Your POV

The cherry blossom season was nearing closer. Rumors said that the cherry blossoms that grew near U.A. were already beginning to blossom. Todoroki was already texting you about going to the cherry blossom tomorrow at 5 am... and it brought a smile to your face because you were gonna suggest the same to him.

"Are you free tomorrow at 5 then?"
Sent at 9:12 pm

"Is this for the cherry blossoms tomorrow?"
Sent at 9:12 pm

"Sorry if it wasn't a surprise." Sent at 9:12 pm

"No no, it's alright." Sent at 9:12 pm

"Still... are you free?" Sent at 9:12 pm

"Yes." Sent at 9:12 pm

"Meet me in front of U.A.'s entrance
tomorrow morning a few minutes before 5.
 I'll be waiting for you, alright?" Sent at 9:12 pm

"Alright. See you then." Sent at 9:13 pm

You held your phone close to your heart as Todoroki sent the last text... a heart-shaped emoji. Your heart began to beat slowly and loudly. Could it be possible that this rhythm of your heartbeat be mimicking Todoroki's heartbeat?

*   *   *

With a thick jacket, the howling wind seemed to have gotten through the thickness of the jacket. Shivering gently. You thought of showing up to the entrance a bit early, just in case if Todoroki came early.

"Why did you come this early, (y/n)?" The second he spoke, your cheeks grew warm and a smile grew on your face. "Well?" There was a heavy weight falling on your shoulders, and you were suddenly grow a bit warm.


He chuckles, nodding his head and igniting his right hand. "You're cold to the touch- how long have you been out here?"

"N-Not long..." You confessed.

There was a heavy sigh from Todoroki as he continued to warm you up from his flame. "Stay close to me, (y/n). I don't want you to be frozen by the time we get to the special place. I picked it out just for us. It's pretty isolated and has a perfect view of the cherry blossoms."

You nodded, leaning on Todoroki as he kept the fire steady and held you tight. Passing through some cherry blossom trees, you finally arrived at Todoroki's secret place. His little secret area nearby a ledge, which overlooked the ocean, yet also showed the whole cherry blossom grove. The sun was beginning to rise over the ocean, giving this orange glow on the pink trees.

A soft chuckle came from Todoroki as he encouraged his flame to grow bigger. He held you tightly, ensuring you were warm with his flames. A smile grew on your face as you snuggled close to Todoroki. 

The golden sun continued to rise over the sapphire ocean. The pink cherry blossoms were slowly opening up and falling. The best part was that the wind was swaying the fallen flowers from the left to the right. It was nearly impossible for one flower to land on you- but it happened. Todoroki gave a slight chuckle, using his other hand to pick it out of your hair. His flame got extinguished and he gave it to you.

"What are the odds?" He says with a chuckle, kissing your cheek. "How do you like it thus far?"

You smiled gently, nearly giggling like a child. "I love this place- how did you find it?"

Todoroki shrugged his broad shoulders, giving this slight chuckle. "I found it because of you. I wanted to... I wanted you to have a wonderful view of the cherry blossoms. I had to find a perfect spot..."

"Perfect spot...? What for-" He cuts off, holding onto your hand. "S-Shoto...?"

His eyes were perfectly calm, carefully staring at you with pride. His hands felt warm to the touch as he pulled you closer. Almost like there was a puff of white mist surrounding the both of you made this facade of mystery. 

"(y/n)... the... the real reason I brought you here... it was because... I... I don't like you... I love you... (y/n), I love you. And I will do anything for you. All I just ask from you... is if you want me as your boyfriend. (y/n)... do you accept my boyfriend proposal?"

There was no need for words. There was only one answer to his question. It was almost like it didn't even matter. You leaned close to him, giving him a satisfied smile as the cherry blossoms continued to fall gently. Already, people were filling up to see the cherry blossom trees. At least in Todoroki's little isolated area, no one was bothering you. No one was noticing this little proposal being underway.

"I would love to have you as my boyfriend..." 

Once you said that, Todoroki quickly kissed you on the lips.

This time... it wasn't to save either one's life. This... this was a true love's kiss. You leaned into his body, feeling it warm. Todoroki wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close during the whole kiss. When you both pulled away, both his and your cheeks were completely were reddened. 

Todoroki smiles softly, kissing your cheek once more. 

"I love you, (y/n)..."

"I love you more..."

{Todoroki x Female Reader} FallenWhere stories live. Discover now