Chapter 24: Everlasting

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Your POV

Both you and Todoroki had a day off- so you both decided to use it to take little Kaito down to the beach. The little 5-year old had dreamed of being a hero- alongside with you. His hair took on more of Todoroki's hair- a deep red color with a few pale red color as streaks. He carried your eyes. His Quirk was not yet revealed- if he had any. 

The second you, Todoroki, and Kaito reached to the shore, Kaito took a heavy dive into the water. He giggles loudly, splashing the water towards you and Todoroki. Todoroki being Todoroki, he ran into the water, grabbing Kaito playfully. You chuckled softly, gently holding your 3-month old baby bump. 


You gently walked over to Kaito and Todoroki, which they were sitting in the shallow waters. You smiled softly, answering your beloved son. "What is it, Kaito?"

He giggles softly, splashing a bit of water. He stands up in the shallow waters, giggling more and more. He mimics you using your Quirk, outstretching his right hand over the water. His face was pure concentration when he was finally able to raise a few drops of water from the shallow water. Todoroki chuckled a bit, smiling softly. That wasn't the end of Kaito's Quirk. When he smiled softly, giggling, the water soon turned into flames and evaporated. Steam emanated from where the droplets were once were.

"Wow..." Todoroki says, kissing his son's cheek. "That's pretty cool, huh? (y/n), it seems he got some sort of Quirk. That's interesting..."

You nodded your head, kneeling in the shallow waters as well. "It is interesting... Kaito..." You smiled softly as Kaito suddenly gave you a hug.

"Mommy, I'll be a hero so I can help protect her!"

Your head tilted a bit, almost confused. "Who's her?"

"Sister, of course!"

Todoroki and you exchanged a few looks, almost chuckling a bit. He speaks up to him, holding him tightly. "Oh? Sister, huh? That's what you think you're getting? A sister?"

Kaito nodded his head, giggling a bit. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The water began to lap over your knees as Todoroki turned to you with a slight chuckle in his face. "I guess he says we're having a baby girl, (y/n). What do you think?"

A smile appeared on your face as you chuckled. You nodded your head, wrapping your arms around the two boys. After all... they were your boys- and only your boys. "I don't mind it. It'll be interesting to see if it really is a baby girl. I guess we just have to wait a few more months, huh? Just a few more months."

Kaito smiled, giggling a bit. He rested his head gently on your baby bump. "I wanna see my baby sister..."

*   *   *

By the time Kaito's sister was born, you named her Kasumi- a name that seemed to be somewhat traditional in your family. He was extremely excited to be the big brother of Kasumi Todoroki. Once more, Enji Todoroki came over to see his second grandchild being born. At least this time... he was much more relaxed and understanding. Rei began to make some of these stuffed animals, along with Fuyumi, for the newborn. Natsuo... he just did him. But he did decided to get some chocolates for you- as being a mother to another child.

The tiny Todoroki family of yours were slowly growing. As of this moment... it was just you, Shoto Todoroki, Kaito, and little Kasumi. 

No matter how many times you would recall those first few memories of being with the legendary Shoto Todoroki... you couldn't think of anything else than what had happened. 

That rare moment of seeing him fly through the sky... him falling right in front of you. If you had not been there... had you not been training to be a hero... there was a high chance that he wouldn't be standing where he was today. If it wasn't for that time... perhaps Todoroki would've fallen for some other girl. 

But it was all different now. Why? Because Shoto Todoroki was yours and only yours. He had fallen for only you... there was no other way that he would've been as happy as he was now. He was your husband... and he was also the father of the two kids you have now. 6 year old little Kaito and his little sister: Kasumi. This wouldn't have happened... if he didn't fall for you.

{Todoroki x Female Reader} FallenWhere stories live. Discover now