Chapter 14: True Objective

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Todoroki's POV

"Yo, Todoroki!" I looked up to see Kaminari walking with Kirishima. "Do you know why Endeavor was near the U.A. gates?"

My head tilted like a puppy as I tried to comprehend. "My... father was here?"

Kirishima nodded his head, crossing his arms. "We only learned it from Midoriya. As you know, he clings around All Might. Apparently, Endeavor was dressed like a civilian... and was talking to All Might. Midoriya said that once Endeavor left, you came through the gates. That's why we were asking if you knew why Endeavor was here."

"No... I didn't even know he was here. You said Midoriya saw this?"

"Uhh... y-yeah..."

"I'll just have a talk with him." 

*   *   *

Using my knuckles, I began to knock on Midoriya's door. It took a few seconds before he actually opened the door. His hair was all damp- probably just showered. He tilts his head, widening his eyes. "A-Ah... T-Todoroki..." He was freaking out a bit by my appearance at his door. "Ah... did you need something from me?"

"It's just something I wanted to confirm. You said you saw my father with All Might earlier today?"

"Uh... yes, that's right."

"Did you know what they were talking about? Or heard anything between them?"

Midoriya puts his hand to his chin, looking down at the ground. He begins to mumble a few things, but he quickly snaps his fingers. "It was something about you and... I think it was... maybe about (y/n). I couldn't get close to what they were saying... sorry, Todoroki."

I waved my hand, nodding my head. "That's alright- I just wanted to know why he was here-"

"Todoroki!" Iida quickly pinned me against the wall, surprising Midoriya and I. "Why are you up here?! I was told that you were gonna be downstairs- but when you weren't there, I ran to find you in your room. Turns out you weren't there either! Now Endeavor is-"

"W-Wait..." Midoriya says with his wide eyes. "E-Endeavor's here?"

Iida nodded his head, "He's chatting outside with All Might again. He's asking for you, Todoroki."

I sighed heavily, seeing I can't avoid my father. I nodded my head, dreading the whole way down to the entrance. I walked outside with Iida leading me in front of the dorms. There they were- standing and chatting. 

Iida bowed a bit to the two adults. "I've managed to find Todoroki, Endeavor, All Might."

All Might nodded his head, practically shooing Iida away. "Thanks. You guys get a good night's sleep." Iida dismissed himself and I was left alone with All Might and my father. All Might began to speak towards me, almost like he was embarrassed. "Ah, Shoto Todoroki."

Father turned towards me, and I stepped back. "Why was I called for?"

"Endeavor had something to talk about with you."

I turned to my father, who was looking down at me. "Yes... I did."

My arms crossed over as I looked away. Combining what Midoriya said and what I've did in front of him... I knew it had to be about (y/n). I thought he would do something like that... talk to me and try to convince me out of it. Too bad I've already fallen for (y/n)'s one and only heart. Even now, I rather be with (y/n).


"Whatever you're gonna say, you're not gonna change my mind about (y/n). That's the end of it."


I scoffed, shaking my head and started to walk back inside. "You may have gotten Mom into a Quirk Marriage- but that doesn't mean I'm gonna do that. If I were to get married when I'm older, I rather do it on my own terms."

I could hear my father sigh in defeat, and that seemed to be the end of that. I waited near the door, trying to see if I could hear their conversation after I left.

"I'm not surprised that he figured it out, Enji."

"So what do you want me to do about it?"

"Follow my advice from what I said this earlier this afternoon. Maybe that's much better than trying to confront Young Todoroki like that. He seems too... defensive. It's best to understand him first before assuming things. Take it easy, Enji."

"It's too unlike me."

"I've dealt with enough teenagers to know these kinds of things, Enji. At least trust me with this, okay?"


I walked off to my room, debating if I should tell (y/n) about my father. After a few minutes of debating, I shot a small message about my father and gave her a little warning. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep with all of that. At least I dreamed having (y/n) in my arms. That brought peace onto me.

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