Chapter 6: Beauty

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Todoroki's POV

We ran off to this isolated area, which was just this mini lagoon created by these coral/rocks. I turned back, panting heavily and smiling softly towards (y/n). She was panting heavily as well, but manages this cute smile on her face. I turned back to my class, not seeing a single person. Thank goodness. They were getting on my last nerves. Who were they? Convincing me to bring them along to the very beach I've met (y/n)...

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on now?" She chirps in, chuckling softly and leaning against my body. 

I chuckled, taking her hand and reaching into my swim trunks to pull out this bracelet. When I saw it awhile back, I thought it fit her well. Since I found her- no, it wasn't like that. She found me. She... she's the one that saved me. Either way, I thought it really did fit her quite well.

Pulling the bracelet out, I could hear her gasping a bit. "S-Shoto..."

Not saying another word, I took her hand and tied it somewhat loosely. I could hear her chuckling softly. "There... how does that look?" I asked, seeing how well-fit the bracelet matched her. 

The green-blue string was strung through the various shells. Between each shell had different shades of blue and green beads. I saw (y/n) twisting her wrist to see the whole bracelet. That sweet smile of hers grew as her eyes continued to examine every last bead. 

"I think it suits you..."

(y/n) smiles softly, nodding her head in agreement with me. "Thanks, Shoto. It's really... really beautiful. I think these are real shells as well. Where did you find this bracelet? I-I have no words..." She continued to smile with glee continuing to grow all over her face. 

I chuckled, sitting on the dry sand with my legs in the salty water. (y/n) decided to take a seat next to me as well. Looking down at her, I had to stifle a chuckle when her weary head rested on my shoulder. "Found it at this small stall near that ramen shop we went to. Thought it'll fit, considering we had our first little... incident here... at the ocean."

I watched her cheeks growing rosy red. "Oh? T-Thank you, Shoto..."

Her head continued to lay down on my shoulders. My hand twitched continuously for her hand... so I let that twitch get out of my control, and I scooped up her hand. I could hear her gasp softly, but she doesn't let out any kind of cry of displeasure. If I knew... I bet our heartbeats were beating in sync. 

A few minutes later, (y/n) jumped up and let loose a small chuckle. "I don't think just sitting around and watching the ocean is what the ocean's true purpose..." This mischievous smirk on her face... it was plastered on her face as she ran into the ocean's splashing waves. "What are you waiting for, Shoto?" She cries towards me, giggling like a child. "Come on!"

I didn't mind it at all... so I got up from the rough sand and walked towards her. "I'm here now... what do you want to do?"

My eyes instantly went down to her hands, which I saw small orbs of water levitating above the roaring seas. I thought it was her Quirk, so I didn't mind it at all. A water related Quirk... interesting it was the perfect medium between my two Quirks. Should I let her toss those orbs of water at me so she can continue to smile? Or should I freeze it? No... her happiness would most likely be toned down if I do so. I'll take the hit.

Just as I expected it, she whirled those orbs at me. When I defended myself against the water, I failed to notice that (y/n) disappeared. Where would she-

"Let's play some hide and seek, Shoto!"

That was right before I heard a splash in the water. She somehow dove into the water and now was swimming around. I let a small chuckle go as I ran deeper into the water. I tried to chase after her, but considering how fast she was swimming around me was incredible. Not once... I didn't see her head pop up for air. 

Searching around and around, I couldn't find her. It was the loud splash of her coming out of the water- and I saw her true Quirk. She tackles me to the shallow waters, giggling loudly as her hair was drenched in water. I smiled softly, chuckling as well. If Quirks weren't real, I would have assumed she was a creature of the sea.

"You lost." She says, blushing heavily.

"I would happily lose to you, (y/n)."

Just when we were enjoying staring into each other's eyes... we were rudely interrupted by a wave of gasps. I didn't need to look over to see who it was. Sometimes... I really hate Class 1-A.

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