Chapter 18: The Hero Tournament

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Your POV

The timing went well, and there was no other rumors going around U.A. Now, it was time for the little tournament among you and the two other hero classes. How it was determined was a tournament inside the two hero classes. You were chosen to be a part of Class 1-A for the meantime. Now, it was time for the first fight.

To stir up the crowd, the rest of U.A., the screen randomized you and someone from Class 1-B: Pony Tsunotori. 

You walked out in U.A.'s standard gym uniform, and it seemed that all eyes were on you. Though it gave you the shivers, it wasn't enough to scare you away. As you walked into the gym, your eyes wandered around the gym, hoping to see his familiar face for comfort. There he was... sitting under Class 1-A's banner. Todoroki smiled softly, anticipating for your win.

Present Mic's voice filled the gym, ramping up U.A. for the first little match up of the day. Of course, he announces your name and your opponent as they walked up on the floor. 

Pony Tsunotori seemed innocent at first, but within her eyes, there was this fire, desire, and thirst for a successful win. She bowed her head gently, waving at you. You returned the favor, bowing and waving at the student right in front of you.

A horn was blared throughout the gym as it was time to begin the fight. The first thing Pony had done was throwing her horns at you. Seeing that, you dodged quickly and tried to feel some type of water around you. After all, your Quirk does deal with water. Within the crowd, there was tons of water bottles- all unopened.

A smirk came upon your face when you felt that, so as you slowly raised the water from the crowd, you dodged every single attack from Pony. To the crowd's surprise, they saw the water being risen into the air and surrounding the whole area. Since this is your first appearance to everyone, you decided to show them what your water powers have been improved to.

Before, it was weak when controlling its water properties. Now, it has strengthened greatly. You were able to move the water particles through the humidity in the air. First, you blocked all of Pony's horn attacks with a water barrier. Next, you moved the water particles to rapidly move against each other to create this steam. The steam had blocked her view. 

Next, you had the steam closer to the bottom condense back into water, but you slowed down the movement between the water particles. It soon froze and turned solid. Once the steam had lifted, she didn't notice that she was standing on ice. She wanted to run towards you, but of course, she lost her balance and slipped on the ice. Everyone was stunned to see your performance. All you whispered softly to the crowd:

"Foggy Morning."

That specific move was referencing to what happens early in the morning and the sun was rising and warming up the day. As the the air around is fully cold, hence the ice, and the fog rising, hence the steam. It was a talented move that instantly knocked out your opponent to the ground. The crowd was just stunned. The only one who wasn't was Todoroki. He had this expression of appreciation. You had won your first battle at U.A.

*   *   *

You collapsed into a chair in the crowd, panting heavily from exhaustion. Todoroki walked towards you with a small cone of ice cream. He was smiling softly as he hands you the cone. "You were quite amazing today... that first match... wow... I've only seen you use your mermaid part in the ocean. Never knew about your water side of the Quirk."

You chuckled softly, blushing just a bit. "I've used it a bit, but I try not to use it too much in the water."

"Were you a part of a Quirk Marriage?"

You shook your head, "No. It's just my family's Quirk. It evolves more and more. Before, my grandmother couldn't have used water Quirks. Now, I do. Most of my family has been related to the ocean... none really had water-controlling Quirks. It seems that that Quirk is only special to me."

Todoroki wrapped his arm around you, pulling you tightly. "With or without a Quirk, you're always special to me. I should be out there soon... everyone's pretty much prepared to fight against me."

"Good luck, Shoto."

He chuckles, pecking a kiss on your lips. "Thank you. Hopefully we will both make it into the finals."

"And what if we end up fighting against each other?"

Todoroki leaned close to you, leaning his head on your shoulder. "We'll fight to the end. I don't want to lose to you, but I don't want to lose you. Does that make sense?"

"We'll do our best then..." You say, giving him a kiss on his warm cheek. "Hopefully it doesn't get to that."

"I hope not either."

*   *   *

Thankfully, it didn't get to that point. You lost towards the final rounds. Going against Class 1-B's Ibara Shiozaki. It was a close tie to the point where both of you were left exhausted. The only determining factor of Ibara's victory was when she soaked up all of the water around you to feed her hair. When that had happened, she was stronger than earlier to defeat you. Though, she wouldn't fall for you again.

The first time, you used the water inside of her hair to freeze and pop out. But that took too much strength from you and you were defeated easily. 

Either way, Todoroki seemed to have risen to the top. Even tried to dedicate his win to you. It was quite open within U.A. that his heart was taken away and had been given to you. No matter what... Todoroki belongs to you and you only. You belonged to Todoroki and him only.

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