Katsuki's Regret

883 31 2

{Kacchan's POV}

'I never wanted him to jump. Regret hit me as soon as the weight of the words that I said to him hit me with the force of a bullet; I would have gone back to say something like /Hey... Don't do what I said/ or something along those lines. But my pride wouldn't let me, especially with those lackeys that like to fallow me around, but I ditched them so I could get to my thoughts'.

A day passed

I stepped thought the streets that still contained small puddles from the small storm from the night before. A whiff of something had caught my noes, it smelled like iron, it was thick and heavy, but it smelled... diluted somehow. I began to fallow the smell to an ally, only to find blood on the ground in a partly dried puddle that looked like a body had been there, and considering that there was no police tape or it hadn't been cleaned; no one has found it yet. Something caught my eye and my own blood freeze, fear then pumped though my system as I stepped over the puddle to find red shoes and ... a yellow backpack, it was dented, it fell... like he did ... like ... 


"N-No, please, Nerd, don't be gone" I grabbed his bag and found a note sticking out of his hero notebook, with hands that tremble I unfolded it and began to read it.

'To whoever this should concern, my name is Izuku Midoriya and my life held a lot left to be desired, but I pushed though it with a smile on my face even if I wasn't up to it. Someone recently made a suggestion to me that I wouldn't have took if one of the people that I had looked up to hadn't told me that ... I couldn't become a hero like him; even if I was quirkless. It crushed me farther than any insult or injury had in all my years of being twisted. So, I said screw it and I took that suggestion to end all the hurt that I had taken in my past. I'm sorry I won't be able to be there mom, I love you and nothing can change that, but I couldn't deal with the crushing feelings that afflict me. Don't be sad mom, I'll be in a better place. Good bye'

My lip quivered as my mask of anger that I used as a front normally had slipped for a moment, but then it returned with a vengeance as my rage boiled, I had to put the note back before I ripped it apart. "GOD DAMN IT NERD!! WHY DID YOU GO AN DO THAT?!?" was all I could say to no one in-particularity. But the justice in my heart over took my anger as I grabbed my phone and called the cops.

The rest of my day was shit to say the least, all the questions I answered with a twig of irritation, but when all that ended and I got to go home; the old hag that is my mother dragged me to see Auntie Inko. That sweet woman that I would have wanted as my mother to be honest, sobbed and wailed at the news and at that point all my emotions crashed down onto me. I excused myself from the front room where the two sobbed, I slinked off to his room and sat on the floor in the smallest spot that I could and I let loose the flood of emotions that I was containing. I had wrapped myself up in one of his favorite hoodies that draped onto my shoulders, his ever present evergreen shampoo in the hood, then the flood gates opened as fat tears fell from my eyes, my emotions running rampant. My hands sizzled but wouldn't explode. The two found me there on his floor, letting my emotions loose from the hours that had been all the questioning. When we had returned home we were notified that a search party had been dispatched. That didn't fix the feelings that we had from the incident.

Night fell and guilt stronger than any I had ever felt hit me like a train; I realized how much of an ASS I had become and how I had lost my goal of getting the quirkless nerd to back off from his dangerous dream so he could be safe. What was worse is that he was my only friend, the only one that truly cared about my well being; in the following weeks and months to come I abandoned the 'friends' that I had and slowly became quieter and less explosive, but I still had my explosive temper stay around because of my quirk. I grew distant< but my training increased as I worked harder than ever so I could find that Nerd. Because something tells me that he's still alive, and I WON'T give up on that.

AN: Hey! 7 readers so far, not to bad! not the best, but I am enjoying this. Oh! Sorry this chapter is short, I'm trying something and if it doesn't work then I will be going back and completely re-write or delete this chapter. I know it's written strangely but this is the first time I have done a fic that's so emotional, and I know it has some spots that aren't right, I'll try to go back though and re-write parts so it flows better.

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