Cat a what now?

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The sun shines through the blinds of the Midoriya household, hitting the eyes of the elder Midoriya to drag her from her slumber.

Sitting up and stretching with a heavy yawn, she opens her eyes to look around her room; only to have memories of yesterday come back to hit her in the face. "Oh! That's right! My little hero came back! I hope their food taste hasn't changed!" Getting out of bed, Inko goes to the kitchen to begin preparing food.

    Not long later the smell of fish greets the noes of a particularly energetic blond.

Pulling the consciousness back to the surface of the blond, her eyelids flutter open to reveal burning amber orbs. The young girl stretches before rolling over to her girlfriend, the one who saved her from her own self destruction.

   Moving closer, Himiko gets into the sleeping greenette's face; only to gently blow into their feline ear. Causing the auditory appendage to begin flicking out of reflex, and dragging Izuku from her own sleep. "Uuugghhhhh... Himmie.... why do you wake me in such a manner?"

   The girl in question giggles and nuzzles into the taller girls neck "easy~ Your ear flicking is always so cute!" Himiko smiles proudly at her own actions.

  Grinning, Izuku slowly rises from the bed to sit on her knees "So you think that's cute huh?" Looking at the greenette; Himiko gulps from the look in her girlfriends eyes. "Well then~ This is what I find cute~ Hehehe~" pouncing on the blond and straddling her hips; Izuku begins ticking her sides. Causing the blond to begin laughing and trying to escape.

   "Ah! No! Hahaha!! Stop!! ... Hahahaha!! Izi Stop! Haha!!!" Finally stopping and flopping down to lay on top of the blond, she beams happily at her victory.  "You win, hahah. You win" Smirking the greenette kisses the blond with a soft love filled kiss.

   "Your laughter is definitely cute to me Himi~" snuggling closer for a bit longer the pair enjoy the quiet before the clanking of dishes grab Izuku's attention. 'Sniff .. sniff' "Is that ... Fish!?" Startling Himiko; Izuku bounds off the bed and into and down the hallway like a cat to find her mother cooking grilled fish with white rise and beef cubes.

  Jumping in surprise at the quickly approaching footsteps, Inko turns to find her so-daughter suddenly sitting at the table with stars in her eyes and a little drool coming from her lower lip.

  "Well! Good to see your up! Is Toga aw-" the soft shuffling of feet and the appearance of a bed-headed blond in some hero themed pajamas she couldn't remember the name of.

  "I'm here Ms.Midoriya - *yawn* - What are you cooking?" Sitting down next her excited kitty, Himiko looks back up to the elder greenette as soft laughter reaches her ears.

  "The answer is breakfast" Inko waists no time to serve out the food. "It's nice to be cooking again for someone other than myself. Now eat up! You two have some shopping to do with me and you need to design your hero costumes soon!"

  Pausing for a moment to then swallow food, Izuku speaks up. "Oh yeah, Principle Nezu graciously let up attend because of their young villain reformation program. He's even letting us take part in the festival, so that pretty exciting!" Inko nods in thought as she chews.

"Yeah! I can probably deal with these cravings now too! Though um... being around so many heroes is still going to make me n-nervous.. but ... what about ... what about how others will react?" Her voice became softer and more panicked as she spoke.

Nomu Deku [UP FOR ADOPTION}]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon