Before and During the Attack

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(AN: Real quick, I just noticed that Himiko is her first name, but I'll keep gesturing to her as Toga as her first name. Though if you want me to change it, I will go through it all and change it. Also! Let me know if you want me add in the times of their D&D plays! :3 

{3rd POV}

          Izuku had managed to make all the gadgets for the Vanguard Team, it took a lot of time to complete it all, which was a pain to say to least for Izuku. As for the Dungeons and Dragons, everyone seemed to enjoy it, teaching them teamwork and strategizing skills. Skills Shigaraki needed, even he seemed to enjoy it; even if we all know he'd never admit it. Sensei even joined us as Boss Monsters with the abilities to summon things, though of course all decisions went though Izuku, the DM. It provided challenges for the entire team, especially when Student went against Master. Izuku also taught some basic's on analyzing to the team, though she would always leave out some points, knowing that if she gave the full lesson, it would be deadly for them all. Sensei even gave her the Humming Quirk after she had proved herself with the strategizing sessions, and thankfully this quirk didn't put much strain on her mind. 

    As for the gadgets, Izuku had made a hidden blade for both Spinner and Himiko, Mr.Compress got special made balls that will allow for intense flashes and smoke cover in small packages, the size of his marbles, Mustard got a gas launcher to allow for long ranged attacks, Muscular got the robotic eye, MoonFish... didn't get anything, Twice received the measurement cuffs and the special blade for him, Dabi got a cream that allowed for a decreased chance of burning his skin, Shigaraki got special gloves to allow him to use pick up items with all of his fingers and disintegrate things at will; and a pack of lotions and Chapstick.  Izuku left them all instructions on how to do maintenance and preproduce the items should they ever need to. 


       Izuku couldn't help but feel worried about the outcome of the debut, it starts in just a few days time and low-tier villains and thugs have been gathering on Shigaraki's orders, some of the villains have been eyeing Izuku and Toga with lust and it's been putting both of them on edge.

    Izuku is sitting with Shigaraki, working on the plan for the invasion on UA; using quirks of the thugs to their advantages, though Izuku is intentionally putting fatal flaws into the plan so that it inevitably fails no matter what kind of students or teachers are there. It's hard to dance around and cover up the intentional holes, especially with Shigaraki being the boss; she she managed to cover all the bases without being caught. The plan is finished and Izuku only gets a moment to herself before Dabi comes into the planning room to request her presence to stop a fight. 

     With Dabi leading, she of course she had her guard, she still doesn't trust him and she has a right to; given the fact that she often finds him looking at her with a sneer. One of the doors in the falls is open and it's dark inside. The sound of pounding heart beasts hits her sensitive ears, said ears swivel to hear it better. Being caught up in her thoughts she doesn't notice Dabi stop and turn, only to sparta kick her into the room and slam the door close; delving the room into a inky darkness, the light is only coming from the under the door and even with her feline eyes it isn't enough to catch all the light; so all her pupils can catch is the outlines of her now would be attackers.

 The first one launches at her from behind to grab ahold and restrain her so the beat down can commence,  feeling this air disturbance with the fur of her tail; Izuku drops down and with a sweeping motion brings the feet out from under him, and with just a quick motion she's on him in a moment and striking his face with such force that when his head hits the concreate floor he's out like a light. All the three other men hear is their accomplice hitting the floor then a meaty thud. She's on to another accomplice with a roundhouse kick to the man's temple with her steel-toed combat boot, effectively knocking that one out. What Izuku wasn't expecting was for the two others to use their quirks to pin her down and start kicking the shit out of her.

Nomu Deku [UP FOR ADOPTION}]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon