Meeting the rest and a confrontation!

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  {Izuku again!}

     The shower was nice I had to admit that; my hair is nice and fluffy again. But all good things come to an end.

  Toga-san walking behind me I see Kurogiri-san and Shigaraki-san along with Dabi and a few others I have yet to meet. My so called 'Boss' speaks up first.
"One, why did you attack my right hand man!? Two! What the fuck happened to you!? Three! Why did you defend that psycho!!?" The man in front of me appears to be shaking with silent rage.

  "Easy, Shigaraki -san. Firstly I didn't attack him, I roared at him, which subsequently woke everyone up. Second, it appears a part of my trauma induced quirk activated and induced these changes to that of what you see. An finally, I defended her because she's like me, I was quirkless, powerless, and useless, or at least that's what everyone told me, I've been beaten, chewed up and spit out, abandoned and suicide baited; Ever sense I was four, my once best friend beat me harder and harder, using his quirk called 'Explosion' ... self explanatory, but he creates a nitroglycerin like substance that comes out at a form of sweat and then ignited it... I still have burn scars from over the years, not to mention the self harm... so I know where Toga-san is in her mind just by observing; I've seen it before, in myself and in relationships like hers. I know for a fact that she is not useless, I haven't even seen her quirk and I can see she has so much potential to be whoever she chooses. Also, Shigaraki-san?" He grunts for me to continue, obviously irritated "I was sent here by Sensei to aid you with All Might, Not to play nice" That ticked off the 'Boss' and knowing my own power and their rough estimations for their guessed limits, I let the disgusting baby man grab at my throat.

  When he grabs for my throat, I can feel burning feeling of my nerves screaming at my brain to make it stop, that pain only makes me wince. Shigaraki-san seems to be surprised at the lack of effect "How- How are you doing that!? What cheat codes are you using!?" Deadpanning I reach up and grasp his hand hard enough to leave a light bruise.

  After taking his hand away from my neck, I speak in a more neutral tone than before. "The 'cheat codes' you say I'm using, were given to me be Sensei. So in a way, my 'cheats' are apart of your so called 'game' ... Now if you'll excuse us, Toga-san and I are going out for a lap around the block. Try and stop us and you'll get claws to you face" raising a hand I extend my claws before putting them away. "... now as for everyone I haven't met yet, I look forward to meeting you after our walk" then Toga and I walk out.

  Once we are a little bit away I speak to Toga-san, my voice quivering as my mask begins to falter from the past two days. "T-Toga-san?" She's quiet for a moment before speaking.

  "I told you to call me Himiko, Izuku-san. But yeah, what up?" The light in her beautiful feline eyes is there but it's dim, as if she's peaking out of a hole she made to keep herself safe.

     "O-Okay, Himiko-san" I take a deep breath to steady myself. "I-I'm scared Himiko-san... while I w-want to get back at All Might, I want to hum-humiliate him, not kill him... a-and while I'm s-sure you've had your sh-share of blood on your hands, you s-seem to be kinder th-than those I have m-met .... I have n-no blood on my hands ... I'm just a s-scared kid who jumped off a r-r-roof trying to e-end it all.. but I g-got a second ch-chance.... and I'm s-scared"  by this point my body is quivering and so is my voice as tears begin to fall.


   She's.. she's crying!? Ah! I don't know what to do! Uh-Um, Hugs, hugs help! I reach out and gently pull the greenette into a hug, gently running my fingers though her hair like my parent did when I was younger. This seems to cause her to relax as her trembling slowly came a stop, people gave us looks, but I don't care, Izuku-san stood up for me and even took Shigaraki's quirk like a tank, she's a fighter; but even greatest of warriors need a little help here and there. An I can help if needed, but I'm still afraid I'll drive her off like I have everyone else in my life.

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