A mixed bag of experiences

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{3rd POV}

The night before had been alright to say the least, the talk had been about the day, Mr.Compress even bragged a little when talking about his students, Izuku took the time to get to know some of the other members of the league, steering clear of Moonfish though, that guy gives her the creeps.

Speaking of Izuku, she is currently sitting in the workshop set up for her by Sensei; sitting at her workbench, working on the inner mechanics for a spring loaded wrist mounted hidden blade; knowing how Spinner likes close combat he should very much appreciate this particular piece of gear. The room smelling of machine oil and heated metal makes ones noes tingle at first when inhaling. The door to her workshop creaks, and seeing as the shop is in a bad part of town, the first object Izuku had created was a high-powered crossbow with a arrow tip allowing for armor piercing of half an inch; standing up with a quick motion and pointing the weapon at the door as it opens, only to reveal green scales and purple hair and when the figure comes into frame, a panicked expression is quickly slapped onto the face and clawed hands are raised in a unarmed position. Only for it to lower and a sight of relief escape her.

{Spinner POV}

What the Fuck!? Why is our techy pointing a cross bow at me!? Oh, she's lowering it. "Hello, and sorry about that Spinner. What can I do for you?" A sigh of relief leaves my lips as well, walking in and glancing around at all the machinery in the room, even a anvil and forge is in the room, bins of organized parts sit on a separate table along with a few different pieces of tech sitting in various stages of completeness laid in pans to keep everything together.

"I came to tell you that Toga-san has been sent out on a mission to eliminate someone that's double crossed us across town, so she won't be back till late tonight". The greenette nod in acknowledgement before sitting back down an tinkering with the object at the table, she makes a come here gesture, which catches me off guard, I approach to see a small object with a sleek blade sticking out from it with small parts inside it with a small steel string weaving through the innerworkings.

"So, I am making this particular piece of gear for you sense you like to do close combat, this will allow for ... well assassinations' or a way to strike if you've lost your other blades, I'm making one for Toga-chan that will quickly suck and full a small bottle in a small amount of time so that she may kill and use the blood at a later date, or if she need to do it in secret" she turns back to look at me, probably for my reaction. Her tail sways back and forth expectantly.

"Well, I can see many ways on how I can use this, though given my look, it won't be public kills, but it will certainly be useful" she nods in agreement, a soft pretty smile gracing her features.

"Well, it's almost done... and Spinner?" I grunt for her to continue "Would you be willing to teach me in close combat with a knife?" Raising an eyebrow I scoff lightly before a soft chuckle leaves me.

"I'm not the one to ask about that, Toga-san would be the one to ask, I deal with swords, although not a professional level; not to mention I don't feel nearly confident when handling a sword to teach it" raising my hands up I hope she doesn't attack me, but relax when her expression remains calm.

"Alright, thank you for telling me. Um, your new item that should be done by today will have a small ring with the string attached, a specific hand movement will allow for the blade to shot out from its casing and as soon as you are no longer using the hand movement the blade will launch back in" her tail raises and waves a little quicker, signifying her happy emotion.

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