Meeting the Suppression Trickster

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(Like in my Bio. I own nothing unless I say otherwise.  Enjoy the reading! And please feel free to comment! it is super duper appreciated!!)

   {3rd POV}

   The day before hand had been somewhat scary considering the new member has the power to rip all the existing members apart except Sensei. That whole fiasco had happened a week ago, and Compress still found himself wary of the newcomer. 

    While Compress himself is not a big fan of the HalfN (Half-Nomu), she couldn't be all that bad if she had stood up to Dabi to protect Toga. All the member's knew that the relationship was taking a noes dive and has been for a while, but Toga still completed all the tasks given to her, though her usual brightly bouncing energy no longer accompanied her and her 'Masterpieces'.  Even though he began to notice Toga quickly regaining her sparkling eyes and her energetic attitude that seemed to lighten up the place and having Izuku's own bright personality make it feel like they were standing outside. Seeing Toga smile seemingly without a care in the world playing finger roulette with a practice butterfly knife so no limb loss would happen, with a happy Izuku, seeing as Izuku has been better for Himiko so far than what Dabi had been he chooses this time to approach the HalfN.

   Standing up and walking to the pair sitting at the only metal table so they won't ruin the wooden tables. Walking up he clears his throat, stopping their game, Toga beams brightly at him. "Hi ya Compress! What's up?!" While Izuku stops her turn, and turns to face the entertainer with curiosity in her eyes with a hunt of suspicion.

  "Greeting's you two! I must apologize for my rudeness this past week! Izuku dear, your actions caught me off guard and seeing the positive effect you've been having on our dear Toga here, I'd like to take the opportunity to get to know you if you should so allow it". The greenette seemed to hesitate before shrugging.

   "Sure, I don't really care if Himiko-san doesn't care either" to which Himiko shrugs as well. "So, what do you want to know?" In her eyes, Compress can see a sliver of worry at what he would ask. 

Compress clears his throat to start. "Izuku, can you really make support devices?" She seems to pause for a moment before answering.

"Why yes, I can. Though the problem is they won't be super high-tech like Present Mic's directional speaker; they will be more like passively helping with the quirk such as yours, the device I have in mind for you is a hidden clip rack I guess you could call it where you organize the marbles you have so you won't lose track of them, but seeing as I have only just now come to you with this, you would be having your input so that I can change the device before anything else" He seems to nod in thought. "Compress, would you ever consider a student to teach and pass down your skills of illusion?" Compress seemed to be surprised by the question and he hesitates before responding.

   "Yes, I would not mind teaching the basics but beyond that, I would highly suggest that you then build off that and work on making your own style. Now as to the device, that would not work for me, I already have a way to organize it all... though I would very much so appreciate devices to distract the opponents so that I can move around with ease". He waits a moment before asking another question "Do you have any previous training, or trained in any weapons?" It doesn't long for her to respond. 

   "Oh! Yes I do, I have experience with Aikido, I'm a level 7 or 7th Dan as they call it. I am a trained fighter though still have some to learn, but I have no experience in actual combat. My turn, you act as a entertainer and are dressed as such; so what where did you preform or what kind of an entertainer were you?" Izuku tilts her head like an adorable puppy that's confused.

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