Part 1 of the Festival.

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(Jeeze, this is a super popular story! Well here comes another chapter! Hope you enjoy! :D )

  The hardest part of walking onto the UA campus this morning is the hushed whispers and strange looks, especially before all the other students are to load up for the Sports festival in the next few hours.

Making their way to the principals office, Izuku keeps her claws extended, tail and hair sort of puffed up. Sending glares everywhere to ensure that no one lashes out at them to make sure her girl is safe.

    Keeping an arm around Himiko's shoulders she glances to see her nervous face. Seeing her like that makes her heart sink, but drives her further to help Himiko.

Making their way though the hall ways and through the building. Following the map in her free hand she follows the map to the principal's office.

  Reaching the room, the duo are greeted by a large mahogany desk with a pair of beige leather chairs, light flora decorating in seemingly random parts of the room. A calming scent of herbal tea wafts through the room. Turning back to the desk a high pitched voice rings out as the chair turns.
"Welcome you two! I hope you both made it here with little trouble!"

   Both Izuku and Himiko jump in surprise, getting into a defensive stance. "Oh my! I apologize for spooking you two! I am Principal Nezu! Please take a seat and let us get this little thing out of the way so that we may get you two to the festival!"

  The pair take a seat in the comfy chairs, the atmosphere quickly comes serious as Nezu pours two extra cups of tea. "Now let me start off with a Welcome to UA and the worlds first Villain Youth Rehabilitation program! I mostly started this on a whim considering it was either send you two to some sort of Juvenile Detention Center or have have you attend to this.

  Though unfortunately you will only be given one chance and a warning. But depending on the severity of the offense it could be your only chance, so you better be on your best behavior! Does this all make sense you two?" The duo nod in confirmation for the little white sentient critter to grin seemingly wider. "Alright! Now at the festival, there will be two other heroes that will be working at the festival that you will not see, their job is watch you and make sure that if things get out of hand, they will be able to subdue the both of you with ease. An lastly I want you two to have an open mind. Not everyone will want to harm you, just so you know. Tell me if someone does and I will deal with them appropriately. Now off you two and be safe".

Sitting on the bus, everyone seems to be awkward with the two supposed villains on board with them. Except for a few, namely Momo, Jiro, and  Kaminari; the trio sit near the other two.

  "So, you two lived with villains for how long, oh! how did you get into it?" the screaming yellow haired boy, Kaminari asks the pair. Only to be harshly elbowed in the ribs by Jiro.

  "Watch you tongue you moron" there's a short mutter argument between the two, but Jiro clears her throat to get attention on her.

   "Apologies about him. Anyway, if you're okay with answering that we'd like to know. I know we won't judge, the others are a whole other story" Jiro's phone jacks tap against each other as she awaits an answer from the two.

   Looking to Himiko, she shrugs. Reading the look in Himiko's eyes, Izuku lets out a soft sigh and lays her head back onto the chair head rest and Himiko is the first to speak up. "Well, I thrown in deep after my family ... well, when they tossed me away because I have a 'villain's' quirk. Though I see now that's not the case, I have to thank Izuku for that part. She taught me what a real friendship was supposed to look like". Stopping to let it sink in, Himiko looks to Izuku for her part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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