At least she's okay

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(AN: So the outcome has been decided! I used a poll on Amino and the results were 
Inko: 9 Teacher:2    
So with this outcome, We are keeping precious Inko around! :D Enjoy!)

{Izuku's POV} 

      Tsukauchi nods as the pair, noting the genuine reactions of the pair, but seeing as the item next on the agenda would hit Izuku hard, he waits for the pair to calm down before dropping the bomb. "So Midoriya .... seeing as you've been found now and are not seen as a Villain, I should tell you that your Mother is alive. She hasn't lost hope, and I'm still on your case. So we haven't stopped looking, maybe not directing as many resources as before; but we haven't stopped. After this meeting, I'll call and inform her" A bright smile appears on my face as tears begin to fall, but I try to hold them back as the Detective begins to speak again.

   "Himiko Toga-" I can feel her body go stiff in my grasp at the mention of her name. Pulling close to my chest I let out a quiet low protective growl, my eyes narrowing and ears swiveling this way and that. The Detective seems to hesitate before continuing. "Nezu-san has offered to help with the financial problem and well ... bailing you out from the center you would have gone to. You are given two chances to redeem your actions. So now brings up the problem on where you'll be staying". Relaxing some I look into her eyes to see the fear gone and hope rising, even just a flicker of it. 

   Taking the chance to speak up, I look at the Detective. "Sir, I believe that if given the opportunity, my mother might be willing to take her in. Knowing the kind soul she has" the man seems in thought for a moment. "I will call her and tell her you've been found and where you are so she can see you. I will let you tell her about your idea, now I'll take my leave. I believe that Nezu-san has an offer for you two" he stands up and leaves the room, Nezu steps up to speak.

    "So, Ms. Midoriya and Ms. Toga. I have an offer for you both; I would like to take you both into the hero course, and in exchange. The two of you will provide information on villains; seeing as you two have been around them the most" looking at Himiko, we gaze into our eyes while having a short silent conversation then she turns to Nezu-san to speak our thoughts.

  "Nezu Sir, I will provide as much information to you as I can. Though they are pretty darn tight lipped about everything. While Izuku my dear will be able to speak of the gear she had made for the group and other random villains, but she can't supply much on the villains themselves. Seeing as that would go against her moral code that involves debts. Also, should we agree there can be no hidden strings and we are to be granted full access to classes of the Hero course. Don't care which, we just need to be together" Nezu beams happily "Then it is settled! The terms have been laid out, do you two agree?" Looking at Himiko again we seem to agree with each other before nodding at the principal "Great! I shall go inform the necessary individuals. Relax here you two" and with that the little principal stacks up his papers and leaves the room, leaving us almost alone.

   "You excited at our second chance my little blood queen?" Said blond only smiles softly, the stunning roaring fire still dancing in her eyes, she nods before gentle cupping my cheek and gently stroking it with a thumb. "Y-yeah, I am. I can finally leave the terrible life I had behind me" I can see the tears in her eyes that match the beautiful smile on her face. "I'm glad we can leave that behind as well" she lays her head on my chest, listening to my heart beat as I lean against the mattress that had been leaned up so I didn't strain myself to much. We stay that way as I gently pet her hair. We stay that way for what seems like an eternity as I hold my loved one. 

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