Getting to know a Villain?

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{Izuku's POV}

I woke up to feel a soft surface underneath my body, it felt like ... a sheeted mattress and a pillow underneath my head? My attention was next brought to the weight of a blanket, or could it be that jacket that was tossed onto me from who knows how long before ago? When my eyes cracked open I could see a gentle light coming from the windows located high up from the outside.

Once I gained enough energy to think clearly and move I sat up, only to groan as my body ached in places I didn't think I had. After swinging my feet out from under the covers and touching the cold floor, I could see a pile of folded clothes laid out on a nightstand. The items all consisted of female clothing, my mind tried to wrack itself to figure out what happened last night, only for the realization to hit me when the feeling of long hair on my back and a abnormal weight on my chest, then what really freaked me out was the lack a member. A scream erupted from my mouth, a feminine scream.

{ All For One's POV}

Whilst watching some of the local news and nearly drowsing off from the lack of movement, a piercing scream punctured the air like a needle though fabric, and worse is that it made the windows vibrate. This caused me to act as a father would, raising Tomura and all; and run to the room where I had placed the child simply a day before, I stopped at the door and knocked loudly, which caused the screaming to stop to a panicked breath. "Child! Tell me, do you still breath in there?!" A grin reached my lips at the harmless comedy. There's silence before the reply, a soft pleasing voice that could captivate others if they weren't paying attention.

{3rd POV}

They couldn't muster up much of a reply with their mid already reeling from the fact their whole physiology had changed from that of a male. "Y-Yes Sir, I s-still breath" only a soft chuckle reached their ears.

"Good, Good... tell me, what do you remember child?" was all he said and the man patently waits for the young one to reply.

"I-I recall s-searing w-white hot pain... I remember falling and th-the ground... oh ... oh god, I almost died" the child sniffled and began to cry, then the man speaks again.

   "Child... May I come in?" There's silence right before the child hums in confirmation.

All for One slowly walks in to see the child covers in sheets, the clothes still on the nightstand. The child gasps in shock at the mans condition. Then the child spoke once again. "S-Sir, a-are you okay, a-and are you th-the one who g-g-gave me my qu-quirks?"

     He just laughs softly. "My dear! I am doing better than I was, that is for sure! As for your second question, yes I gave you, you're quirks, little one" he replies with a smile in his voice, but the mask keeping his mouth covered.

    Izuku could only sniffle before asking another "Sir, c-could I get a hug?" The man seemed to raise an eyebrow in question before shrugging it off as they sat on the bed next to Izuku and opening their arm for the side hug. Izuku takes this in stride and gently embraces the man, trying not to crush him with their new found strength. An so with choked sob, Izuku balls into his side, thanking him profusely for the opportunity that he has given them; after some time and some calming words from AFO, he speaks again.

    "So young one, have you put in any thought to go by a different pronoun, now that your physiology has changed to that of the opposite sex" he asks in all curiosity.

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