Will things keep looking up?

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AN: Hey! Over 200 Reads! Sweetness! I hope this chapter will be just as good as the past! :D

{3rd POV}




                The rhythmic beats. Beep Beep Beep. That's what greets Toga's ears as she regains her sense, looking around, the room is covered in whites and light greys, next to draw her attention is the white sheets and ... body in the bed catches it next, looking up she can see the soft gentle face of Izuku. Said greenette has a nose brace for the broken noes and light bandaging on her head, arms, torso, and a brace on her leg. The sight saddens Toga, but she also remembers what happened yesterday.


     Jiro and Yaoyorozu keep their saviors close to them as they try to bargain with the teachers as to what to do with the two who had escaped the League. The Bear-Mouse-Dog thing called Nezu, aka the School's Principal; had agreed to take them both in but not let Recovery Girl use her quirk on the most injured of the two, seeing as that would limit the stronger of the two and would question them when both were awake and go from there. Toga had been cuffed to the bed where Izuku rests, and give the blond enough tether to be able to sit or lay on the opposite  bed were she to get tired of the chair.

End Flashback 

       Sighing, Toga brings a hand up to Izuku's cheek, cupping it in her grasp. What she wasn't expecting was for those brilliant Emerald orbs to flutter open and constrict at the harsh lighting, restricting the light coming in and turning her eyes to narrow slits. A light groan escapes her plush lips as she tries to move but the pain flares up and sets some of nerves on fire. But it dulls and a warmth on her cheek catches her attention, looking over and seeing the familiar amber orbs of her partner brings that Legendary Midoriya Smile to her face, lighting up the room brighter than it already was, but that quickly fades as the bridge of her nose aches (still being Broken and all). Toga chuckles softly at the greenette's antics "Don't strain yourself, my silly little Banshee". Izuku can only can only huff and blush lightly at the nickname "I'm still taller than you, you know". 

         Toga chuckles softly before stopping as Izuku turns her attention to the white curtain acting as the wall, soft shuffling steps and rhythmic tick of something hitting the floor comes near them, only to reveal a short gray haired wearing pink headgear and boots, white doctors coat and a syringe shaped cane. "Good to see you awake dear-" An excited fangirl gasp comes from Izuku as her fangirl side begins to show. 

     "The Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl! Oh my gosh! If I had my quirk book, I'd so ask for your autograph!" Izuku almost had stars in her eyes as her pupils widen to saucers for a moment before retracting again. "S-Sorry for interrupting you" said nurse looks surprised but happy at the recognition. Meanwhile Izuku looks embarrassed and bashful while Toga just looks amused at the antics of her partner.   

    "It's quite alright dearie, it's nice to get the recognition every once in a while. Well anyway, how are you feeling?" Izuku takes a moment to collect herself from her previous outburst. "I feel sore, and I can definitely feel the pain from the rib that probably pierced my lung" flicking her thigh with one of her hands, the vibration travels down her broken leg. "It seems that the bones have been put in their proper place so that they can heal properly even without a quirk ... other than that, I'd have to say I'm doing well". 

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