I'm Not Leaving Your Side

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It didn't take long for the team to locate the car that had taken Maddie and kick the owner's door in.

It revealed two guys sat on a sofa, one of whom was the guy who hat met Maddie.

"Chicago P.D., hands where I can see them." Atwater shouted as the rest of the team cleared the house.

"Clear!" Jay called as he cleared the main floor of the house.

"Clear!" Upton shouted down the stairs.

"Where is she?" Voight asked, pushing the barrel of his gun against one of the guy's temple.

"Who? I don't know what you're on about man!" He shouted, trying to pull away from the gun.

"The girl." Atwater stated. "We've got you two on CCTV, putting her into the trunk of your car."


Both of the guys lasted through the night without cracking. 'Juan' was put in the cage with Voight and Halstead, who eventually had to be pulled out by Antonio before he killed the guy.

"Stand up." Ruzek ordered the other guy who had spent the night in an interrogation room.

"Why? Where are you taking me?" He protested as Upton held the door open. Voight walked past with 'Juan', he had two black eyes and blood was dripping down his face. "Shut the door." the guy said, clearly scared. "I'll talk." He said as soon as Upton shut the door.

"Where's the girl?" Upton stated.

"What they do with them ain't my business okay?" He said. "The guy who ordered her, he's a new customer, she's his third girl in the past year or so."

"Whats his name?" Adam snapped.

"I don't know man! We don't do names, he's in his forties, white, almost bald, drives a navy sedan." The guy said, panicking.

"Where did you meet him?" Upton asked.

"The parking lot of that abandoned strip mall on 6th." He said.

"What were the other girl's names?" Upton asked.

"I don't know, Eddie deals with the girls, I just drive." He said.


"Did you get that?" Upton asked Atwater as they finished the interrogation.

"Yep." Atwater said as he pulled footage from the pods surrounding that area. "I've got a plate on our car!" He called a few seconds later before reading the plate out to Ruzek who ran it through the system.

"We've got him." Jay said, grabbing his coat.

"We're doing this by the book." Voight stated stopping Halstead in his tracks.

"In the time that it takes to get a warrant he could kill her." Jay complained.

"I'll work on the warrant, Adam get a six pack and put it in front of our guy." Voight ordered, ignoring Halstead.

"Let me put some ice on your hand." Upton said, walking into the break room and coming back out with an ice pack.

"I'm fine." Jay snapped. 

"It'll help the swelling go down." Upton said. "Maddie will hate knowing you beat some guy up." Jay looked up at Hailey before placing it over his knuckles.

"We've got a positive ID." Ruzek declared, coming back from the interrogation rooms. Jay glanced at Voight and the Sargent could see the desperation in his detective's eyes.

"Go." Voight ordered. "I'll have the warrant on your phone when you get there."


As soon as they reached the house Hailey took control of the scene.

"The cars here!" Antonio called as he saw the navy sedan parked around the side of the house.

"Burgess and Dawson take the back in case he runs, the rest of us will take the front." Upton ordered. "You two take the guy, we'll get Maddie." She said to Ruzek and Atwater as they ran to the front door.

"Chicago PD!" Atwater shouted as he knocked the door in.

"Keep your hands where we can see them!" Ruzek said as the guy sat on the couch reached for something. "Where's the girl?"

"This is trespassing! Do you have a warrant!" The guy protested as Atwater came back from clearing the rest of the downstairs.

"We do." Atwater stated.

Upstairs Upton and Halstead were clearing rooms when they came to a locked door.

"Mads!" Jay shouted through the door.

"Jay?" The voice was quiet and it sounded like she'd been crying but it was her.

"I need you to get away from the door, can you do that?" Jay asked.

"Yeah." Maddie replied, Jay heard her shuffling and cringed when he realised she wasn't walking. "I'm out the way." She said once it fell quiet again. Jay kicked the door in and the scene that greeted him made his heart stop. Maddie was leaning against the wall opposite the door, white as a sheet, with blood running down her face.

"I'll call an ambo." Hailey said, placing a hand on Jay's shoulder before going back down the stairs.

"An ambulance is on its way kid." Jay said, slowly walking into the room, towards Maddie. "Do you think you can stand up?" He asked as Maddie tried to stand, knowing how determined she could be he held his hands out to steady her. "Any pain?" He asked, she was stood in front of him and he had his hands on her forearms in case she lost her balance.

"It's bearable." Maddie said, taking a few steps forward.

"Be careful okay?" Jay warned as they began to walk towards the stairs. "It's cold outside." Jay said, handing Maddie his coat, realising she probably wouldn't want people seeing her wearing the little white summer dress she had been made to wear.

"Thanks." Maddie said, tightly wrapping it around herself.

They made it outside with out any difficulty as the ambulance pulled up.

"This is Emily and Sylvie, they're just gonna take a look at you okay?" Jay said, leading Maddie towards the two paramedics.

Maddie sat on the back of the ambulance and allowed the paramedics to run a few tests and answered their questions.

"I want to take you to med if that's okay? So they can run a few more tests, make sure your ribs aren't broken plus I'm pretty sure you've got a concussion." Brett explained.

"Can Jay come?" Maddie asked, Brett looked at Jay and nodded.

"I'm not leaving your side any time soon." He joked, noticing the panic in her eyes when she reached to her necklace and it wasn't there. "Do you know where it is?" Jay asked as Emily helped her move onto the bed in the ambulance.

"Under the mattress." Maddie said.

"I'll get Atwater to grab it." Jay said, spotting Atwater chucking the guy into the back of a squad car.

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