Chapter 1

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Alice sat alone in that room in the old asylum. She hugged her knees and stared at the wall. She imagined cutting through the wall with her deep, gray eyes and escaping reality forever. She was mentally unstable and there was no way to help her. This was her life. Her long, brown hair hung down on her straight jacket. She sat and stared at the wall.

She needed to find a way out. She couldn't take it anymore. Anything was better than this. At that moment, a male nurse brought her lunch in. The door was open just a crack. He must've been new. All the nurses knew not to leave the door open. He sat the plate down in front of her. As he bent down, Alice gathered all of her strength and kicked him in the groin as hard as she could. He fell to the ground and screeched in pain. Alice took this opportunity to jump up and bolt out the door. She ran as fast as the straight jacket would let her. She saw two nurses speeding toward her from the right. She turned left and soon realized she was in a hallway with no way to escape the asylum. All she could see at the end of the hallway was a window. The nurses were closing in. One of them had a needle; probably full of anesthesia. Alice continued down the hallway at full speed. This hallway felt endless. She felt like she was running on a treadmill. The window was right ahead of her. She sped up even more. The nurses gasped. The needle hit the floor. Alice crashed through the pane of glass but smashed her frail body against the iron bars and fell to the floor. The nurses watched in horror as her neck twitched and then she went completely still.

Curiosity Killed The Cat (a twisted Alice In Wonderland fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt