Chapter 2

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Alice groggily sat up. She looked down at herself. She was still in her straight jacket, but her arms were free. She ripped off the straight jacket and felt a unique type of strength. Underneath, she was wearing..well..not much. She was wearing a black bra with a black mini skirt. The bra had these weird sleeves connected to it that were black and white checker patterned. The end of the skirt was frilly and had that same pattern. There was a long piece of fabric with that pattern that trailed behind her. Her hair was in pigtails tied with checkered ribbons. She was wearing boots that made her feel like a prostitute. She felt really sexy and confident.

She looked around. The sky was a deep purple and blue. The clouds had that same checkered pattern as her outfit. There were large rocks everywhere. She started walking around. She heard deep humming. Out of nowhere, a man appeared behind her.

"Hello, Alice," the voice said.

Alice whipped around. "How do you know my name?" she asked.

"How wouldn't I know the name of a girl as beautiful as you?" Alice noticed him looking her up and down. He had the yellow eyes of a cat. He grinned. It seemed to take up his entire face. He started circling around Alice.

She carefully watched him. Without expecting it, Alice was shoved against one of those large rocks. The man slammed his whiskery lips against Alice's. He practically forced his tongue down her throat while he ripped her sleeves off. She tried to get out of his grip, but he was too strong. She felt his hand on her breast and he squeezed really hard. She struggled while his tongue was still in her mouth. She bit down on his tongue as hard as she could. He quickly let go and stepped back. Blood was dripping from his mouth.

He stared in disbelief. "What's the matter, Alice?" He had that stupid grin on his face. He lurched toward her. At that moment, a huge knife appeared in Alice's hand. Right as he was about to grab her, she sliced his head right off. Blood splattered all over her.

"Cats have nine lives, Alice. You'll see me again." His head and body melted into a puddle and seeped into the ground.

Curiosity Killed The Cat (a twisted Alice In Wonderland fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now