Chapter 13

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“Patty!!!” Alice screamed.

Patty came rushing in. “What’s wrong?!”

“I want to leave the asylum.”


Alice packed her things. She didn’t have much. She needed to find a job and a place to stay. She said goodbye to all the staff and they gave her a card with $100 in it to start her off. She hugged everyone and walked out the door and made her way toward Main Street. She was bound to find a job there. Maybe she’d even find a cheap place to stay.

She came across a little diner with a “Help Wanted” sign in the window. Alice walked through the door and there was a young man wiping off a table. His back was toward Alice.

“Excuse me,” she said. “I noticed you’re looking for someone to work here. I don’t have a lot of experience, but I really need a job. I—“

At that moment, he turned around. Alice was speechless. He was HOT. He had short, curly red hair and dark brown eyes. He was very muscular and he had a well-sculpted face. He half-smiled at her. That was a nice change.


“My name’s Ben,” he said. “Should I go grab you an application?”

“Oh, yeah. That’d be great,” she nervously replied. “And my name’s Alice by the way.”

He went in the back and brought back an application and a pen. Alice sat down at a booth and started filling it out. After a few minutes, Ben walked over and looked over her shoulder. She was only about halfway done with the application when Ben spoke up.

“You know what? Screw that application. How about you go on a date with me and I’ll think about hiring you?”

Did that hot guy really just ask Alice out? Not only did she most likely have a job, but if she played her cards right, she might have a place to stay.


“So, do you prefer going out or just chilling at home? Because we can just go to my place if that’s what you’d rather do. I’d just like to get to know you better,” Ben said.

“Um, I think I’d like to come over to your place if that’s okay,” Alice replied.


Ben led Alice outside to where his car was parked. “Do you have a car?” he asked Alice.

“No. I don’t right now,” she replied.

“Then let’s go.”

They got in the car and drove to Ben’s apartment. He didn’t live very far from Main Street. They walked up to the door of the complex and Ben held the door for Alice. After they went up the stairs and were at his door, he unlocked the door and showed her around. He basically just had a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom. They sat on the couch and started chatting.

“So. What’s your story besides the fact that you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen?” Ben said.

Alice could feel herself blushing. “Well, I’m complicated in some ways and simple in some.”

“What do you mean?” he questioned.

“I don’t really know. Let’s talk about you. All I know is that I really want that job, but I don’t know how I’d ever be able to focus if a good-looking guy like you is always around.”

“Aw. You’re sweet,” he said.

They talked and talked for hours. Alice finally told Ben about her past.

“Wow. You’ve been through a lot,” he said. “When I was little, I struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts because my dad abused me and my mom just let it happen. They finally got divorced and she started taking me to counseling. I’m a lot better now. My mom and I are both a lot happier.”

“Whoa,” Alice said. “We’ve both have been through some pretty bad stuff.”

“Alice, I know I just met you, but I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. I feel like I can trust you and I feel really close to you,” Ben said.

“I feel the same way,” Alice said.

“Alice,” he said as he gently grabbed her hands, “I’ve never met anyone like you. You understand me. I felt an instant connection. Would it be alright if I kissed you?”

“It would be perfect because I feel exactly the same way.”

He kept a gentle grip on her hands and he softly kissed her. There were sparks. Alice had an urge to be closer to him even though they were pretty close. This was real. This wasn’t in her head. She was kissing the man that she felt an instant connection with, and he felt the same way. When he pulled away, Alice dove back in and they made out.

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