Chapter 10

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Alice sat on her bed and hugged her knees. Her dad would be coming in any minute. They had had this routine for a while. About fifteen minutes after Mom went to work, Daddy would come in and "tickle" her, but Mommy wasn't allowed to know about it. Alice didn't like it, but she wanted her family to be happy. She wanted to keep her Daddy happy so he wouldn't leave Mommy again.

One day after this had been going on for a few weeks, Daddy had thought Mommy had went to work, but she came back in the house to find her key. She walked into Alice's room and discovered what was happening. Alice had never seen a more horrified, disgusted face in her entire life. Mommy and Daddy fought a lot more after that. One night, Daddy hit her. The neighbors reported a disturbance and police took her dad away. She and her mom went downhill from there.

Her mom turned to alcohol and drugs for relief. By this time, Alice was 9. She kept the alcohol and drugs a secret until Alice walked into her room one day to find her smoking weed and heavily drinking. She screamed in Alice's face. It was a blood-curdling scream. It was so bad that it completely scarred Alice. She didn't ever feel safe at home. She locked herself in her room all day. She was truly afraid of her own mother. She never wanted to come out. She didn't go to school anymore. She stopped eating. The neighbors noticed no one had come out of the house for about a week. Some people came to Alice's house and took her mom away. They took Alice to the hospital because she hadn't been eating or taking care of herself at all. She was in the hospital for a week and then they diagnosed her with extreme depression and she was mad. She got placed in the asylum. It basically became her home. She hated every day of her life there, but life went on. It wasn't as bad as her house and life with her mom and dad.

That's basically how she'd gotten there. She had nowhere to go if she got out. She had no idea how to do anything in the world. She hadn't finished school. She had no family members around here that were capable of helping her. Alice would be as alone as she was in the asylum.

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