Chapter 12

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"If I help volunteer with small tasks here, can I maybe stay here until I decide what I want to do?" Alice asked some of the staff.

"Alice, stay here as long as you please. And if you ever need any more medical assistance or anything, come to us. We'll always be here for you," one of Alice's favorite nurses said. Her name was Patty. She had always been so nice and patient with her. No matter what, she was always there to help or try to make Alice feel better.

Patty took her to a new room with a gray bed and a table. The room looked very boring.

"I can bring in some pictures or posters or something to spruce the room up a bit." Sometimes it seemed like Patty knew exactly what Alice was thinking.

Alice nodded and sat on her bed. She hadn't been in one of these rooms for a while. They had moved her to a room for the completely crazy people a while back. She was better now. There was no more suffering.

Alice volunteered by playing board games with some of the patients and bringing some of them snacks. After a day of this, she went to bed. She was surprisingly comfortable in this room. She slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.


Alice opened her eyes. She was laying on soft grass beside a cobblestone path. There were trees all around her. She sat up. In the distance, she saw two large figures coming toward her. She could've sworn she felt the ground shake. They were soon in front of her. They looked almost identical. They were both very round. They were wearing red shirts, black pants, and black hats.

“Alice. We have something important to tell you,” one of them said.

“I thought I wasn’t mad anymore. Why am I here?” Alice asked.

“You’re just dreaming. Don’t worry,” the other one said. “Just listen. You need to leave the asylum or something bad might happen. Leave tomorrow.”

“But I’m safe there. I don’t know how I’ll survive out in the real world.”

“Alice, you can do it. You can do anything you set your mind to.”

She drifted out of the dream and woke up sweating.

Curiosity Killed The Cat (a twisted Alice In Wonderland fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now