Chapter 18

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As she was falling, she heard screams. Did people actually care that someone they didn’t know jumped off a building? It didn’t matter. There was no saving her, and she didn’t want to be saved. This was the best way to get away from everything. She had nothing. The ground was close. She felt a sharp pain for about a millisecond, and then there was nothing.


Hattie sat in his house and cried. Alice was gone. She was never coming back. Wonderland wasn’t the same without her. He cried until he couldn’t cry anymore. After a while, he just lay there quietly. A few minutes later, he heard a noise. It sounded like a soft cry for help. He walked outside and discovered what looked like a rabbit hole. The sound was even louder. He heard, “Help. Help…” and peered down into the hole. To his surprise, he saw Ches.

“Hattie! Please help! I’ve been stuck down here for hours!”

“Why would I EVER help you?”

“Because we’re friends,” Ches replied.

“We’re not friends. Alice is gone, and I know part of it is your fault.”


“Yes. Gone. As in dead.” Hattie felt a tear run down his face.

“I had no idea,” Ches said. “Hattie, forget about all that and just help me.”

Hattie tried to ignore his complete ignorance toward Alice. “Can’t you get out? I thought you could just appear and disappear from wherever you want.”

“Well, now I can’t. I don’t know why.”

Hattie ran into his house. He grabbed every knife he had in his kitchen. He went back to the rabbit hole. He threw a knife down as hard as he could throw.

“Ahhh!” Ches screamed in agony.

Hattie kept throwing. He threw and he threw and he threw.

“This is for you, Alice!” he screamed at the sky.

After he threw the last knife, the sky turned black and white checker-patterned and the rabbit hole grew in diameter. As it grew, the bottom of the hole raised. He saw Ches’ bloody, mutilated body. He watched as the sky opened up and took Ches’ soul. Hattie threw his fists in the air and let out a victory screech (SpongeBob reference).

Ches’ body seeped into the ground and Hattie knew he was gone forever. Life in Wonderland went on. Life back in reality went on. Life always goes on no matter what. Living things may get their life taken when they die, but life goes on without them no matter what. And that will never change. ~

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