2. Quarantine

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Their apartment building was 5 storeys high. It was a standalone building, with a boundary wall all around and a huge silver gate at the entrance. It had a gothic look to it. Also, there was a security guard's cabin to the left once inside the compound.

At the back of the building was a cute garden with a walking track around it. In the centre stood a beautiful Oak tree with a carpet of lush green grass all around.

"After you Alexis"

She liked the way he said her name and blushed. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and started walking towards the entrance of the building. The area between the gate and the entrance of the building was very sunny.

That's when Minhyuk noticed Alexis. The way the sunlight highlighted her features made him go speechless. Her hair was perfectly frizzy with a hint of brown in it. Her eyes were captivating, dark brown, with long lashes, he thought she may have worn fake ones.

His eyes were locked onto to hers. Wait a minute, she's looking back at me. He saw the confusion in her eyes.

"Coming", He walked right upto her. He wanted to get a closer look at her eyes. Without realising it, he touched her lashes and instantly regretted it.

"Hey! What are you doing?!", she said annoyed.

"I'm so sorry, your lashes are so pretty, I had to check if they were real", he said smiling apologetically.

That wasn't enough to subdue her anger.

"You can't just do that! And ofcourse they are real!", she said, her temper rising.

Minhyuk was shook.

"I'm really sorry", this time he was scared. He looked like a frightened puppy.

Alexis couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, alright, calm down", she said showing her palms as a sign that she was not angry anymore.

"I am really sorry, it won't happen again", said Minhyuk sincerely.

"Ok", said Alexis and ruffled his hair, smiling coyly while walking ahead.

Minhyuk was confused and just stood there looking at her walk away. He muttered something in Korean while blushing and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Hmm?", Alexis turned around, she thought he was talking to her.

"Nothing", and he caught up with her.

They were waiting for the elevator.

"So which floor do you stay on?", asked Alexis.

"Fourth, and you?"

"Guess", she said while smacking her forehead.

Minhyuk laughed.

The elevator arrived. As they were entering they heard a loud siren.

"What is that noise?", asked Alexis, covering her ears.

At the same time both their phones started buzzing.

"We are on lockdown", stated Minhyuk.

Both of them had gone white in the face.

They immediately held hands and stepped out to see what was happening.

"Get inside your houses, there is no need to panic, this is required to survive the virus", blared a loudspeaker from a police van.

"But it hasn't hit us yet", said Alexis, she was on the verge of tears. Minhyuk put his arm around her shoulders.

"Our government has decided to do everything to avoid it, this is actually good", he said looking at her sideways. He wiped a stray tear rolling down her cheek.

She immediately turned and buried her face in his chest.

She immediately turned and buried her face in his chest

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"I'm scared Min", she said in between silent sobs.

He looped his hands around her.

"I'm scared too", said Minhyuk.

This made Alexis look up at him, there were tears in his eyes too.

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