10. Truth Time

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Minhyuk seemed to have fallen asleep while Alexis dressed his wounds. Luckily they weren't deep, but it would be tough for Min to walk for a couple of days. She wrapped his feet in bandages and a pair of socks she found in his apartment.

She carried him to her bedroom and placed him gently on the bed. She propped his head on a soft fluffy pillow and covered him with a blanket. As she was getting off the bed, Minhyuk caught a hold of her hand.

"Explain", he said while yawning. He propped his pillow on the bedpost and settled into a sitting position. Alexis sat down cross-legged next to him.

"I don't know where to start"

"Are you an Avenger?", Min asked like a hopeful puppy.

"No", she giggled.

"Are you an Alien?", suddenly Min seemed afraid, and scooted a bit away from Alexis.

"NO", said Alexis, a bit annoyed.

Min held her hand and said sincerely, "Then tell me." After a couple of seconds of hesitation, he pulled her to his side and put his arm around her shoulders. She rested her head against his shoulder.

"Allie, it's ok, tell me when you feel like it", he whispered in her ear and rested his head against hers.

"I want to tell you", she said and took a deep breath.

"It happened 2 years ago, I wasn't keeping well. I kept getting headaches and blurred vision. Once at work I even fainted. That's when I went to the doctor. I was told to take a couple of blood tests."

"Everything came back normal except for one report. It indicated that it could be a brain tumor. So I had to do an MRI."

Minhyuk instantly held her tighter and caught both her palms in his hand.

"But while doing the MRI, they injected me with a chemical substance to get a contrasting image of my brain. I could feel it enter my bloodstream and everything seemed to be going cold in my veins."

"Once the scan was done, the coldness disappeared. And after a couple of days, the results came back, everything was normal and I was relieved. I had to take a tablet for a couple months and that was it."

"But something was very different. I found that I could move really heavy stuff. For instance, once I had parked my car at a weird angle and got bugged. So I just pushed it out of anger and it moved."

"When I travelled with my family, I was able to handle all the luggage without breaking a sweat. I used to do this earlier so no one noticed except for me, since I stopped getting tired out."

"I don't use it unless absolutely required. And when I'm scared I find it difficult to harness my strength. I was afraid that day when my laptop was stolen and did not move away in time when he flung the vase at me."

Min hugged her even tighter.

"No one knows about my strength except for my sister, and now you."

She turned and looked up into his eyes, "Min, please don't tell anyone, I just want a normal life. I do not want to be turned into a lab specimen."

"I promise I won;t", he sealed it with a pinky promise.

"Why did you call me Allie? Only my sister calls me that"

"I just shortened Alexis to Allie, I'll stop calling you that if you want"

"No, no, please call me Allie, I like it when you call me that"

"Ok...Allie", and he kissed her forehead.

They were looking into each others eyes when they felt the electric current flow between them.

Minhyuk dropped his gaze to Alexis's lips and went in for a kiss. She was hesitant at first but kissed him back with a little coaxing from Min.

 She was hesitant at first but kissed him back with a little coaxing from Min

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Things got intense making him pull her onto his lap. She straddled him causing him to groan against her lips. Their kisses got as intense as one could imagine, turning into a heated makeout session.

Her fingers were running through his hair, she was a bit rough and he liked it. His hands found their way under her hoodie, feeling her up at her sides. Both of them gasped for air and locked eyes again.

They immediately went back to kissing and this time Minhyuk pushed her onto the bed and hovered over her. But that was a bad idea since his feet moved and he got a sharp pain, falling right on top of Alexis.

 But that was a bad idea since his feet moved and he got a sharp pain, falling right on top of Alexis

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"Min, are you ok?", her voice was muffled against his neck.

He rolled onto the side and groaned, "I hurt my feet."

She immediately propped them up on a pillow and helped Min get to a comfortable sleeping position.

"Enough fun for tonight", she winked at Min and got off the bed.

Min was too slow in trying to stop her.

"Allie, come back here, I'm not done...", he whined.

But Alexis had already run out of the bedroom and called back, "I'll be back with dinner"


She laughed to herself and set out to make instant Ramen for the both of them.

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