22. Reality Check

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They sat in silence for a long time, holding hands and scrolling through their phones on the couch.

"I'm not going back", Min broke the silence.

"Neither am I", said Alexis.

"No.", Min said firmly, still looking into his phone.

"No?", Alexis turned around to look at him.

"You are going back."

"What do you mean by 'You are going back'?", Alexis asked, irritation creeping into her voice.

"Have you seen the news Allie?", Min asked, irritation creeping into his voice too.

"No! I was living happily with you until about an hour ago."

"Me too!", yelled Min and hugged her.

"The virus has hit every continent, we aren't safe Alexis, you need to go home."

"We aren't safe anywhere Min. And why do you keep saying I need to go home?"

"Because the virus hasn't affected India as intensely as the rest of the world."

"And why aren't you going home?"

"South Korea has been hit quite severely. They've stopped all international flights. I think my Omma got the wrong information."

"Come with me", Allie said, her eyes brimming with tears. She knew he couldn't because only Indian citizens were allowed to go back, but she couldn't help it.

"I'll stay here and take care of the pups until you come back", said Min. Alexis hugged him tighter and started to cry.

"How would I come back Min, I don't have a job here anymore"

"Allie, don't worry, we will keep in touch via skype. We will figure something out", said Min wiping away her tears.

"Min, I'm not going back", she said in between sobs. But she was conflicted and Min sensed it.

"Alexis, it's ok, you'll get to be with your sister", she looked up at him and cried some more.

"Come, let's book you ticket."

So, Min booked her ticket for the next day. It was an early morning flight, 5:00 am. Later he helped her pack her suitcase, just cabin baggage.

It wasn't a good day at all for the both of them. Min tried to control his emotions for Alexis by keeping things light and happy. But deep down he was a broken man. He wanted Alexis to stay back but he knew the best thing for her was going back to India.

Alexis on the other hand was a mess. By night time her eyes were all puffy and she was exhausted.

"Min, how do I go to the airport tomorrow?", Alexis asked, half excited there was a problem in the plan and she would have to stay back.

"I've booked a cab, don't worry. I'll come with you to the airport", said Min.

Both of them weren't in the mood for dinner, so they settled for Maggi and tucked in for the night.

The next morning they left the house for the airport. Alexis didn't have the heart to say goodbye to the Huskies who were fast asleep in the balcony. She took one last look at them and left.

The storm had settled last evening, but there was still a chill in the air. It looked like it would be back soon. Their cab had arrived and was waiting at the gate. Min loaded her suitcase in the trunk and sat with her in the back seat.

Once the car started to move away, they could hear the Huskies howling, getting softer as the car got further. Min put his arm around Alexis's shoulders, "Don't worry, when I get back, I'll take care of them." She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.

They reached the airport quite fast as there weren't many cars on the road. Once they reached the gate, Min walked with her up to the entrance.

"This is it", said Min.

Alexis looped her hands around his neck and buried her face in his chest. Min locked his arms around her.

She looked up at him and kissed him on the lips. It was soft and quick.

"I love you", she said.

"I love you too", and he crushed his lips on hers.

"Alexis, you are my person, we will make this work, I promise", said Min and kissed her again.

"Yes, we will", tears streaming down her face.

He wiped away her tears and let her go. She turned away from him and made her way to the security guard. She didn't look back until she was inside the gates.

That's when she turned and saw Min, he was looking at her and waving, so she waved back. They both gave each other flying kisses and turned away. She made her way to the counter to get her boarding pass.

She looked back one last time and saw Min walking way, it looked like he was crying but she wasn't sure. She saw him getting into a cab and it leaving the airport.

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