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I saw a lot of fanfics do these so I just wanted to do it. Bold is You Yuki is Italics underline is Shigure bold underline is Kyo.  Bold Italics is Tohru.

Tohru: What do you guys want for supper?
Kyo: Anything but leaks
Yuki: It doesn't matter Miss Honda.
Shigure: Well is anyone coming over for dinner?
You: I think I will.
Tohru: So I guess we will be making f/f then?

Tohru: Hey Y/n do you wanna stay the night?
You: Is it alright?
Tohru: Yeah! I asked Shigure and he said it was alright.
Yuki: He agreed?
Kyo: That makes me scared, Y/n .

You: Guys I am not going to school today, I have a fever.🤒🤧
Tohru: Oh my! I hope you get better Y/n!!
Yuki: yes get better Miss L/n.
Kyo:... I am coming over to take care of you.
You: Kyo I don't want you to get sick!!!
Kyo: I want you to get better so I am coming over plus what kind of boyfriend if I didn't care about my girlfriend?
You: Kyo..😍

The end
I hope all of you guys stay healthy with all of this cornavirus

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