chapter 3

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The second time Zhao Yunlan met Shen Wei was in a quite dramatic way.

It was a dark stormy night.

He was riding his car while constantly clearing the raindrops falling on the windshield with the wipers. The view is quite blurry, the only light that illuminated the path is the headlights of his car.

Suddenly something bumped into his car.

'Fuck' he cursed. He knew that his car has knocked down someone and that someone must be really out of his mind to wander down the streets in the middle of a stormy night.

Zhao YunLan kicked the brakes and get out of the car slamming the door behind in frustration.
He approached this person who is now sprawled on rough tiles of the road on his stomach, seemingly unconscious.

''Damn it...Hey... Are you ok man?" Of course, you are not... He mentally sighed.
He closed in further and can see the blood flowing out from his forehead washed along with the water on the road.

Zhao Yunlan leaned in and flipped over the guy to see his face.

Saying 'shocked' must be underestimating to describe the feelings that surged inside Yunlan when he saw that familiar face that once managed to ignite a fire in his heart.

Shen Wei...

Not wasting a second, Yunlan carried him to the car and drove to the nearest hospital.

YunLan's heart beating rising with each second as he lagged in the storm...


Zhao Yunlan approached the doctor who came out from Shen Wei's room; in the hospital.
'Hey doc, how is he?' He enquired enthusiastically.

'Oh. The patient is out of danger. The injury is not that serious.'

Zhao Yunlan thanked God for he was driving extremely slow that day.

''But still...''
The doctor continued " ...he has to stay in observation for a few days. The blood loss has weakened him. Anyway Mr Zhao, are you related to him?"

''N-no... No...doc. I just met him a few months ago alongside a client of mine. That's how I know him...Is there any matter?''

''Well... There is indeed a pressing matter here. The patient seemed to be subjected to sexual assault which is quite serious in its way. His body is filled with bruises of long term abuse. His constitution is really weak. His condition should be reported to the police...''
The doctor trailed off.

Yunlan stood there as if a lightning bolt struck him.
He couldn't grasp everything he heard right now. Sexual assault...? long term...? How could somebody in a sane mind could do that to an angel-like person like him...? How could they...?

''Mr Zhao? Mr Zhao...?''

Yunlan came to his senses.

''Of course doc. This must be reported to the police. They can take his testimony once he is awake.'' Yunlan said gritting his teeth.
And I will see it to it personally that the cruel bastard who caused this will rot in jail. He added internally. He then remembered how thin and frail Shen Wei was when he was in his arms.

He doubted whether it is the foreigner whom he dealt with once is behind this. He decided against to contact him for the time being.

He is going to deal with this matter carefully, once Shen Wei wakes up.


Shen Wei can't take it anymore.

He has suffered for long enough.

Hoping that Wilhelm will come to his right senses one day is quite futile.

So when the police arrived, he cried his heart out while giving his testimony. Even the policemen felt sympathy for him.

Wilhelm is arrested and sentenced to prison confinement of 25 years for his crimes and drug usage. He was sent to the de-addiction centre. He also lost his business license and the company collapsed due to bankruptcy.


''Thank you... Mr Zhao Yunlan.''
Heartfelt gratitude from Shen Wei reached YunLan's ears.

Shen Wei is feeling like he has been redeemed from hell.

''No mention. I am relieved that you are ok now.'' Yunlan said grinning widely.

''Feel free to contact me if you need anything in future.'' He assured.

Shen Wei was quite embarrassed by the attention this man in front poured out on him.
Zhao Yunlan seemed to be a decent and nice person but he feels unworthy to hold on to it.

''Thank you for your concern Mr Zhao Yunlan, but l don't want to impose on you any more than this.''
Shen Wei said bowing his head.

Yunlan felt hurt. He wanted to say that he is only happy when Shen Wei contacts him but decided against it.

''Leave it. Let's talk about your decision for the future.''

''I am leaving for hometown."

"That's good..."
Zhao Yunlan nodded smilingly.

Somehow this man is filling Shen Wei with positive energy. Something that he lost a long time ago. His heart is urging him to run towards that feeling, to catch it and to cage it; but his body is not allowing him to do so.

The scar that his previous relation gave him is not that small after all...

And that is exactly the reason why Yunlan is restricting himself from being too forward to Shen Wei (given his usual behaviour).

So Yunlan decided to take things slow, this time.

He will wait.

Zhao Yunlan will wait for his angel to come around...

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