chapter 14

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Shen Wei was sleeping tiredly curled up to himself, atop a single bed in the corner of the room. Officer Han Chen was kind enough to halt the interrogation for the time being and brought Shen Wei to his office, as he reminded him of his lover. Shen Wei woke up when he heard someone knocking on the table beside the bed. He lifted his head and saw a young rookie officer standing in front of him.

"You are being released. Come out now."
Shen Wei felt a kind of relief when he heard those words. He breathed out, as the few hours which felt like long suffocating days are finally over.

He followed the young officer to the outside and as he exited the office, Shen Wei can see his beloved waiting for him. The moment their eyes met, Yunlan extended his arms and Shen Wei rushed to the warm embrace of his lover, without any care of the surrounding, hugging Yunlan dearly. They snuggled close towards each other, with Yunlan showering his Wei with kisses on his soft cheeks, nose and forehead.

"Did they do anything to you?" Shen Wei shook his head in a no.

"Did you miss me?"

"Yes... Ah Lan... I missed you..."
Shen Wei nodded in his embrace.

"I missed you as hell too my Xiao Wei..." Yunlan breathed out as he felt his heartbeat become even once again. These past hours, Yunlan was frightened to the core. He thought his Xiao Wei will become broken if he had to spend a few more hours in the police station, because of the unpleasant past that he once went through. But with the grace of God, he was able to bring the real perp to light, with the help of Han Chen and his friends. Thinking about the whole trial, his hold around Shen Wei's body tightened. They clung desperately to each other as if they are each other's world.

Forty-eight hours barely passed by, without seeing one another. But anybody looking from the outside will think that these two pairs of lovers haven't seen each other for years.

"Mind your surroundings, you two lovebirds." Han Chen said while walking towards them, waking them up from the temporary trance they created mutually. They break the hug and look towards him.

Shen Wei suddenly felt shy, leaned his head again into Yunlan's shoulders.
"Look who's the shy beauty here." Han Chen laughed pleasantly.

"It's your good time that the real culprit confessed. Next time, think twice before sprinting into trouble." Shen Wei nodded in agreement, smiling silently.

"Thank you, officer," Yunlan said to the one who turned to leave. Stopping his steps, Han Chen looked back. "You don't have to thank me Zhao Yunlan, we worked together anyway. After all, I can't allow an innocent and pure soul to rot in jail." Han Chen said winking playfully and then left his way.

Zhao Yunlan stared at the retreating back of the man who helped him to save his lover with a smiling face, as he once again brought Shen Wei to his embrace.


The personal assistant of the CEO of Gu groups was arrested a few hours ago for perpetrating the crime. He hired the professional assassin for the Gu group, in revenge for the recent banter, that made them lose millions.

The culprit confessed that he entered Cheng Xin's suite through the air let-out, choked him to death with clothes without leaving any rashes as evidence. This was around 1 p.m at midnight when Shen Wei decided to visit Cheng Xin after he received a call from the former.

He was about to leave the crime scene when he heard someone unlocking the door and entering (which was Shen Wei). He immediately hides in the bathroom. When he made sure that the visitor left, he came out and noticed the knife which was supposedly carried by the other. So he picked the knife without giving away his fingerprint, stabbed the dead body over and over again, which ultimately lead to framing Shen Wei.

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