chapter 7

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As usual, Yunlan was waiting for Shen Wei beneath the shade of a large tree. Shen Wei was thinking of several ways to deal with  Yunlan. His brain has already become a mess as it is filled with various images of saying sorry to Yunlan.
And as soon as he saw Yunlan, he started fidgeting. His fingers curled into fists and then released anxiously. He didn't dare to walk close to Yunlan so, by at least keeping a metre distance Shen Wei begin mumbling.

"Go-good morning Zhao Yunlan."

"Aww, that hurts Wei Wei. Isn't that baaby or Yuulaan for you?"

Our clever Zhao Yunlan will never waste a chance to tease Shen Wei.

Shen Wei bowed his head in embarrassment.
"I-I am so sorry Yunlan, I-I... It was inappropriate..."
Shen Wei can't help but cover his face with fingers in anticipation.

"But I liked it."

Shen Wei suddenly raised his head. He then peeked out through his fingers to see the other's expression. That man is grinning widely. Now Shen Wei's face is full of question marks.

"B-but Yunlan, it must've been bothersome for you..."

"Cut it out, Shen Wei. It is me who should apologise to you. I gave you sake in the first place, remember?"

Shen Wei's eyes widened before blinking. It was clearly saying, is that so? but he didn't voice it out explicitly.

Within two minutes, they broke out into a laugh.

"Does that mean you're not bothered about it anymore?"

"Y-yeah ..."

"That's good, Shen Wei. And l would prefer it very much if you call me 'baaby' more." Yunlan winked playfully.

Being the subject of his blatant flirting, Shen Wei blushed furiously till it seems his ears are dripping blood. And the smug that crept into YunLan's face is not at all small, for having drawn such an expression from Shen Wei.


The most irritating thing about human life is that you can't always stray from your responsibilities in pursuit of happiness. That means YunLan's vacation is soon going to end. He should go back and attend his duties and be the responsible CEO that he is. His secretary is already flocking him with emails that are filled with urgency. So the only thing he can do now is to ask Shen Wei to join his company for which he is more than qualified. But Shen Wei is not concurring with his constant requests for the last few days.

"Think about it, Wei. I can give you as much as you want. Just come with me.."

"It's not like that, Yunlan...I need time to think about it.."

"Take your time, Wei. But I won't expect a no as your answer. You know how l feel about you, right?"

Shen Wei can only stand there dumbstruck. That's right. Yunlan is so desperate to bring Shen Wei with him. He didn't want to lose such an amazing gift that he got only after a good three decades of his lifetime. On other hand, Shen Wei is just scared to jump into another relationship. It's just like the saying, once a cat that falls into boiled water is scared to go beside even cold water. But something about Yunlan is saying that he is not like Wilhelm. And the comfort and happiness this person offering him is incomparable and nothing like he has experienced before.

Most importantly, the love Yunlan have for him is not at all one-sided. It is indeed mutual. Shen Wei averted his gaze. He can't keep himself looking at Yunlan, because the more he looks, the more he falls for him.
Then, he seems to remember something.

"Yunlan, my parents are pestering me to bring you home someday. You should come with me before you go back to the city."

"Why not? Let's go today itself. But how can l visit them empty-handed? "

"You don't have to buy any gifts for them."

"It's my wish, Wei. You don't have a say in it. Let's buy something for dinner too."

Shen Wei can't win an argument with him. He agreed to accompany him. They reached the nearest shopping mall. Picking a trolley, they began to look through the various food articles on display.

"Hey, Wei. I am going to look for some drinks."
Shen Wei nodded as Yunlan strolled to the adjacent section.

Shen Wei was searching through the flour packets on the counter when he felt a sudden grab on his wrist. He became startled at the instant contact and shook off his hand to free them.
"Hey, what the hell do you want?"
He hissed angrily and turned to see a tall, brown and boorish looking man sneering at him.

"Ain't this the boytoy of Wilhelm?
Since he is in jail, you must be lonely, right? How about this brother here serve you for the meantime, beauty?"

The intruder laughed atrociously which didn't last for long as a sudden punch landed on his face. He covered his bleeding nose to look at the one in front of him. Shen Wei is boiling with anger, even his face is flushed red with the surge of violent emotions. There is a tinge of blood on the knuckles of his hand that are now curled into fist.

"WHY YOU.." the tall man roared and raised his fist to strike Shen Wei. Before he could touch Shen Wei, somebody grabbed his hand from behind.

"Why make a commotion? This is a public place, you know?.
Wei, are you okay?"
Yunlan released the other person and turned to Shen Wei's side.

"I am okay." Shen Wei is still brimming with anger. He turned around and began to walk away when the crude man once again opened his mouth.

"Oh look what we have here. The little beauty found a substitute right away when his man left him. Ain't you too fast for.." this time it was Yunlan who strongly punched him on his stomach. He crouched to the ground in pain as the Yunlan left him.


While settling the bills on the counter, Yunlan constantly eyed Shen Wei who was standing on the front of the mall seemingly ready to barge out anytime. As soon as he received the shopping bags Yunlan rushed after Shen Wei who took off suddenly and was walking faster aimlessly towards the street.

"Stop right there, Shen Wei. Where do you think you are going?" Yunlan shouted out to him desperately.

"Don't you dare associate with me anymore Yunlan? My company is not good for you."
Shen Wei quickened his steps without looking back.

Yunlan also fastened his pace behind him. Once Yunlan caught up with Wei, he forcefully grabbed his arms turning him around to face him. Shen Wei's eyes were brinking with tears that threatened to flow over anytime. Fear, shame and anger wrote in his entire constitution. Yunlan couldn't bear to look at him anymore.

After letting out an exasperated sigh, Yunlan can't help but kiss those shivering pink lips tenderly, which lasted only for a second.

"Xiao Wei, you don't need to tell me about who I should associate with. It's my wish to be with you Wei, and I. Won't. Leave. You.Ever." Yunlan articulate each word shocking Shen Wei more, who was already dumbfounded with the sudden kiss.


The tall man who created a mess in the mall is now walking towards a car in the parking lot. He is dialling someone on the phone while wiping off the blood from his face with the back of his hand. A beep sound is heard indicating that the call is connected.

"Hey, I have found the one you were searching for."


"Yeah. He's here."

As the call cut off, a sinister smile crawled into the person on another hand side of the phone.

"Wait for me, my love. Soon we will meet......." An eerie laugh filled the entire room.


Thank you for reading dear friends😆😆💕...

Stay safe and healthy ❣️❣️❣️.

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