chapter 8

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It's night time and Yunlan is having dinner with Shen's family.
Throughout the dinner, his parents and Yunlan are immersed in chattering and sometimes laughing loudly, while Shen Wei stayed silent, his mind replaying the events that happened a few hours ago. Especially the feeling of the other's plump lips against his own. He knows that he shouldn't be thinking about it right now but his mind kept drifting off to that particular moment.

"Isn't that right, Wei?"

Mr Shen asked as if he was proving a point. When there came no response or movement, the three of them looked simultaneously in his direction, only to notice that the said person is not in this realm.

Shen Wei is absent-mindedly eating from his bowl, his eyes focused somewhere. Mrs Shen nudged his shoulders, then only Shen Wei raised his head as he felt three pairs of eyes scrutinizing him. As he didn't get what is going on with these people, he can only blink his eyes in confusion.


Mrs Shen flicked his forehead. "Wei, your father was talking about you working in Yunlan's company. He is saying it will be a good change for you."

"That's it, Wei. You have been holed up here for more than half a year. It will be good if you start working again." His father backed up.

Shen Wei knows where it came from and looked in Yunlan's direction accusingly. For which Yunlan only raised his both hands in surrender grinning widely.

"But what about here, dad? Don't you need me to help out with the store?" Shen Wei asked appeasingly.

"Wei dear, you've never cared about the store before. You are thinking about the store only now? For now, you should pursue your life, son. Don't tell me I sent my only son to study MBA in renowned University for nothing." His father snorted.
"Fortunately your parents here are healthy enough to look after the store for the time being. We will hand over our little establishment to you timely."

Shen Wei became speechless. He didn't have any excuses to contradict his father.
"That's right Wei, you should listen to your father," Yunlan said with a wink earning a threatening glare from Wei.

After the dinner, Yunlan was about to leave when Mr Shen stopped him for a conversation in person. He just has to make sure that he is not sending his son to hell. He can see that Yunlan urging Shen Wei to go with him is not as simple as it seems. It's bright as a day that Yunlan has feelings for his son. He agreed to send Shen Wei with him because he can see that Yunlan is a nice person. But he doesn't want his son to go through a nightmare like before. So he decided to warn Yunlan of the possible outcome if he dared to hurt Wei.

"Mr Shen, it's been almost a year since I first met Wei. And I assure you that I didn't approach him with any vicious motives. I sincerely love your son. If it was just a momentary attraction, I wouldn't have come this far to see him again. My love for him only increased after knowing him very closely. I am very much aware of his past. And I promise you that I won't ever let him go through that again. I will protect him and cherish him.  You can trust me...., Father."

Mr Shen was taken aback for a moment when he heard Yunlan. But since he is convinced that Shen Wei is safer in his hands, he was absolutely not against the idea of Yunlan calling him father.


The indoors of a huge corporation.


A tall young man with glasses barged into the cabin slamming open the door, causing the other person to jump out of his seat, spurting out his coffee.

"DAMN Lin Jing, have you ever heard of the word 'discreet'?" Daqing asked furiously, wiping off the spilt coffee from his suit and table with a tissue. "And this is the nth time you f******g destroy my suit." He literally roared. But the accused person appeared to have no guilt.

~~hey Daqing, did you hear what I heard?~~
This time Lin Jing whispered to Daqing.

"WHAT?? I didn't hear anything. And for God's sake, stop acting and spill whatever it is on your mind."

"Our boss is here."

"Finally ."
Daqing released a sigh of relief. As YunLan's secretary, he was shouldering a mountain of tasks lately. Now he can rest in peace.

"And he's here with a beautiful man." Daqing furrowed his eyebrows as if asking if that was something new, although he wondered who changed his heart for him to date again after a year.

"He has asked us for a meeting. We should know better than to be late." Lin Jing mumbled knowing the temper of their boss.

"Then what are you waiting for, huh?" Daqing asked before they stomped off to the meeting hall.


"Team, let me introduce our new production manager, Shen Wei."
Zhao Yunlan motioned his hands towards Shen Wei.
"And I can assure you, he is an important asset for our company.
Lin Jing, you are in charge of assisting him till he catches up."

"Got it, Boss." Lin Jing answered with glee. Everyone in the meeting room is eying Shen Wei as they are seeing a movie actor or a model. What to say, they were in awe that, in addition to their Boss, they got another eye candy to drool off. Of course, Yunlan knows his subordinates more than anyone.

"Let me remind you guys one more thing. Shen Wei is 'my boyfriend'. Don't anybody of you dare to hit on him?" He stated that as a warning shocking them all. Their boss appeared with lots of people before but he hasn't claimed anyone as his boyfriend or girlfriend. This is indeed something new. "Meeting is dispersed for now."

To say that Shen Wei is a little embarrassed is quite underestimating. He is embarrassed to the extreme that he can see smoke fleeing from his ears. He wished to choke the shameless CEO, who is now looking like he has achieved something great.

As Yunlan was leading him to his cabin, Shen Wei kept glaring at him in a threatening manner (which doesn't even have the power to shoo a fly away). Yunlan could not help but chuckle.

"Hey there Xiao Wei"

"I was just protecting you, you know? It's quite a hassle to have them all behind your back" Yunlan became defensive. Shen Wei huffed annoyingly.

"If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask out here, Wei," Yunlan said before he left the cabin that is supposed to be Shen Wei's office.

After thanking Yunlan, Shen Wei went over to sit on his chair and began to observe his space which is neatly arranged according to his taste. There is a freshly watered green plant that is placed atop a tall stand around the corner. While he is studying each area, he heard a knock on the door. Lin Jing came over with a bundle of files as he gave permission.

"Hi Shen Wei, I am Lin Jing by the way..." Lin Jing explained to him about the various documents he carried with him, along with the rules and regulations of their company.
"Thank you, Lin Jing, I am in your care."

When Lin Jing exited Wei's office, he let out a long sigh.'Damn Yunlan, how come only you get all the good ones.' He internally cursed as he walked away.


"Yunlan you sly fox. When did you decide to get a boyfriend for real without telling us, your childhood besties?" This was how  Yunlan was welcomed when he entered his office, cornered by his friends. And the one who raised this question was none other than the snake-eyed girl, but pretty, Zhu Hong.

"Well... I can explain.... hehehe" Zhao Yunlan said awkwardly.

"Oh, you better." Said Daqing folding his arms over his chest.


Day by day, I feel like my chapters are getting longer 🙄.

Thank you for reading dearsss😄💕💕.....

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