chapter 6

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Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan often meet in the early mornings and only part their ways until late evenings. With each day, the time they spend together became longer. Shen Wei felt the change in his sullen lifestyle. There were times when he hated the rise of each day which only added to his sufferings. Now, he began to look forward to mornings with Yunlan.
Yep, 'with Yunlan'.

As for Yunlan.

On contrary to how much lustrous and playful appearance he put forward in public, there was always an emptiness that loomed over his heart, eating him day by day. Indeed he had and still have many friends and none of them could fill out this void. Sometimes he thinks he is no different from a machine, devoid of sincere feelings.

That's how today's world is. Everyone is only after fame and money, working their a** out, not caring about their fellow beings, not even caring about themselves. Guess why? Because without fame, you do not have a social standing. Without money, you are a nobody (= trash) even among your so-called beloved ones.

Zhao Yunlan was just like everyone. He has never tasted pure love before, for all of his relations were just farce. He, along with his sister, didn't get to know about parental love, as his parents spend their time with constant arguments rooted in selfish ego. They were too busy cussing each other, forgetting that kids are growing up in their families who needed their attention, who needed their love.

That's how Yunlan grew up.

And that's what Shen Wei changed in him.

Being with Shen Wei is gradually filling out the blankness in his heart. He feels himself with him, no need to wear the false facade of a typical businessman.
The accidental touches, gentle gazes, subtle caresses... everything created ripples in his heart. It must be lying if he say that he didn't feel the urge to suck those thin pink-tinted lips each time it curved into a beautiful smile.

It is as if they were each other's medicine.


"Yuuulaaan... baabyyy... pu-puutt me daawnn..."


''Uuhh... Imma biig booyy yu-yun-laan. I- I can walk b-by myshelfff...''

"Definitely NO."

"Uwuu... Yuulaaan... y-youu shoo baaad... *hic-up* youu shoo crewlll...*hic-up*...uu"
Shen Wei's wobbling fingers pinched his cheeks.

"Ouch, that hurts Wei."

Face entirely flushed with red, added with the tears and snot flowing from his eyes and nose, Shen Wei whined laying wasted on YunLan's shoulders. YunLan's hands are supporting his thighs, which are wrapped around his waist. Yunlan is walking down the dark alley that is scarcely lit by streetlights, carrying Shen Wei on his back.

It's just happened that they were tasting one of the Japanese delicacies, sake, from the roadside stall. Yunlan did give Shen Wei sake without acknowledging him that it's alcohol. Well, who knew that Shen Wei couldn't even hold a small cup, which ultimately resulted in this crying and whining mess in his back.

"Uwuu...uuu...yuun*hic up*laaann"

Yunlan let out a long sigh.

"Shen Wei, just hold on dear. We are about to reach your home."

Shen Wei dramatically pouted.

"B-but  yuulaann... I wannabe w-with uu..."

Yunlan couldn't control his laughter.

"Hahaha... You know what Wei Wei when you're sober, you are definitely gonna feel embarrassed about this..."

"Ooo... reeelly??" Shen Wei asked as if he didn't get the meaning of what Yunlan said.

No doubt, Yunlan is enjoying this side of Shen Wei. The warmth of the other's body on his own is feeling good like he is treasuring a precious jewel. His cheeks are now paining with his constant smile.

"Aarghh... my Shen Wei, why are you not clingy like this always?"
Yunlan asked with made-up sadness. (A/n: as if Yunlan hadn't done this before *snorts*.)

"Y-y-yuulaaan...*hic-up*...pput  daaawwwnnn meee...momma g-gonna scold Wei Wei...*sneezing*

"Don't worry about that Wei Wei. Your Yunlan will manage it for you." Said the proud man. He is so enjoying this.
Suddenly Shen Wei began to wriggle in his hold, for Yunlan lost his balance for a second.

"What is it, Wei?"

"Look y-yulaaan... a fwire fllyyy..."

"You want it?"

"Mmmhmm "

"Then be a good boy. Once we reach your home, we can catch as many fireflies as we want."

"Yaaayyy ... uur shoo niche..." Shen Wei giggled like a little boy.

"How  can you be so adorable even when you are drunk, xiao Wei?" Yunlan burst into laughter once again.

It's not that Yunlan wants to send Shen Wei home immediately. It's because Yunlan knows about his worrisome parents waiting for him. He doesn't want to make them scared although they know he is with him.
Taking his sweet time as much as he could, Yunlan finally reached Shen Wei's house. By this time, he is already snoring on his back.

As soon as he pressed the doorbell, Mr and Mrs Shen rushed to the front, anxiety written on their faces.

Apologizing numerous times to his parents and politely refusing the drink offered, Yunlan went his way after safely returning Shen Wei. With a grin on his face and inexplicable joy in his heart.


The next day, Shen Wei woke up in not so good condition. He is indeed sporting a terrible headache. Slowly rising from the bed rubbing his forehead, he went out of his room and entered the kitchen.

"Good morning mom, dad."

"You are up Wei? Good morning dear. You might be having a headache, right? I have prepared the soup for you. Drink it, you will feel better."

"Thank you, mom...well...hmm... Did I cause any trouble last night?" Shen Wei asked anxiously bowing his head.

"Any trouble?" His father snorted. "You were out like a tube light when Yunlan brought you here, Wei."

"Ohh" Shen Wei raised his head embarrassed.

"But still..." his father continued, " were stubbornly plastered onto his body refusing to bulge from him like your life depends on it. It took a hell of an effort to tear you from him." His father teased him.

Unable to see the laughing faces that are kind of mocking him right now, Shen Wei shyly covered his face with both of his hands.

How could he face Zhao Yunlan from now on???


Thank you for reading friends.
By far, this is the longest chapter I have written (huhu the rookie me😂😂).
And guess what? today is April 16. Our Zhu laoshi's birthday😆😆.
Wishing him a more wonderful future, and for Bai shu too. His birthday was in last week, the 8th.

I hope everyone stays safe from the pandemic and thank God for protecting us from the deadly virus.

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