chapter 4

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~Six months later~

A usual sunny morning in the small town of Bei.

The streets are buzzing with the crowd as it is the peak time when people sets out for their work, street vendors setting up their stalls, energetic kids running off to school before the first bell...

Amidst this chaos, from a black Lexus parked on the roadside, a tall and handsome man emerged. He is wearing a brown leather jacket over a black button-up, matched with black jeans.
He is sporting a simple and carefree appearance, very successfully concealing his true status.

He slowly stuttered to the nearby building having a huge name board that reads as 'Shen library and bookstore'.


Shen Wei is busy coordinating and arranging the books according to their genre and date of arrival. He seemed to be quite immersed in what he is doing. He carefully noted the labels on each book and placed them in their assigned rows.

'Wei seems like we have a customer. Can you go the front and assist them?'.
A middle-aged woman in her fifties called out to him.

'Sure mom'.

As Shen Wei came to the front, he can see the back of a person checking out the books showcased on the counter.

'Excuse me, welcome to our store Sir, feel free to ask for any help regarding the books.'

The man suddenly turned to face Shen Wei. He is startled by the view of a familiar person in front of him, after all these months.

'Mr. Zhao Yunlan! How come you are here?' Shen Wei asked without hiding the surprise in his voice.

Yunlan acted as he was equally surprised as Shen Wei and with a 
the grin he began blurting out,
'Aiyo Shen Wei, what a pleasant surprise! To your question, I was just passing by when I saw this store with the surname of a person I know, where I happened to meet you. What a coincidence, right? I am on a small vacation out here. And now, to satisfy my curiosity, let me ask 'you' a question. Do you work here?'

Shen Wei smiled hearing an
over-enthusiastic YunLan.

'About that... My parents own this place. I occasionally help out here.

'Is that so? That's nice.'

All this time YunLan didn't take his eyes off of Shen Wei, who seem to be calm and gentle as usual. Nobody could tell that this person had gone through living hell by looking at him.

Of course, Shen Wei is always well adept at concealing his inner turmoil.

'Do you need any help with the books?' Shen Wei asked once again, noticing the lingering attention this man has on him.

'Ahh...As I told you, I was just passing by. I will leave right away if I am disturbing your business here...'
Yunlan said awkwardly.

'It's nothing. You are always welcome here'. Shen Wei suddenly speaks out cutting his words.

'But still... It's not right. Hey, how about meeting up for a coffee? Do you have some time to spare?'

' Of course. I will meet you at six in the evening. Wait for me at the front of the shop'.

'Got it'.

Shen Wei watched the retreating figure with amusement. He can't help but feel strange with this 'supposedly coincident' meeting.

They met as promised.

'Mr. Zhao Yunlan, hai again. Quite punctual befitting the CEO of a renowned company'.

Zhao Yunlan begins to act like he is annoyed by this addressing.
'Shen Wei ah Shen Wei, just drop the formalities already. We have known each other for some time now. Just call me Yunlan'. 
Shen Wei smiled helplessly because of this impossible man.

'As you wish...Yunlan'.

He said while lowering his embarrassed face. Yunlan's face lit up like he heard something extremely precious. He nodded approvingly with happiness.

They walked side by side to the nearest cafeteria. The streets were almost empty as it is by the time everyone seek out the comfort of their own home.

The serene atmosphere in the cafeteria is quite pleasing to anyone who seeks comfort after a long hectic day. Both men relaxed in the shade of dark brown light and soothing piano music.

Sipping hot Americano from the cup, it was Yunlan who once again switched on their conversation.

'So... how have you been all these days, Shen Wei?

Dear readers, thank you for sparing time to read this and for your support and valuable comments 😄😄...
It motivates me to write more...

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