chapter 9

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It took several hours for Yunlan to explain the whole predicament to his friends, which includes how he met Shen Wei, how he was smitten for days, how he pursued him...
"So that explains why you were brooding like a ghost for the past few months," Daqing said leading to Wang Zheng elbow him.

"Hey Boss, your boyfriend means our b--  friend too hehe..." Lin Jing said grimacing about the slip of the tongue as it earned him a killer glare from you know who.

"Don't worry Yunlan, as long as you are sincere about him, we will be there to support you two." Zhu Hong spoke like a proud mother when everyone else nodded in agreement. Zhao Yunlan also smiled as they were so understanding about him.

By the end of the day, Yunlan and Shen Wei went to their 'from now onwards Yunlan's shared apartment' together.

Although Shen Wei insisted that he can't impose on Zhao Yunlan anymore than he is doing now,
Yunlan shooed every last bit of his hesitation away by saying,
he promised his father that he will protect him and,
he is a poor lonely bird who is living in a huge apartment...blah blah blah.
And the result is Shen Wei decided to stay with Yunlan for the time being, in separate rooms of course.

The first thing they did when they entered the apartment was clean and dust off the nooks and corners of the rooms as Yunlan wasn't there for the last few weeks. When it came time for dinner, Yunlan took out his phone to order something.

"No need. We can cook something Yunlan", Shen Wei suggested. Yunlan hesitated for a while but give into Wei's wish. Yunlan is not good of a cook and he hasn't cooked anything for himself for a long time. The last time his kitchen was used was when his housemaid came for cleaning some days before he went to see Shen Wei. He remembered she cooked rice for him and so there must be leftover rice stored away somewhere.

So he helped Wei to look for the raw rice and managed to find it in the fridge, which is nearly unoccupied except for a few packets of edibles.

"Yunlan, do you happen to have a  pan here?"

"Of course there is, but I don't know where..." Yunlan trailed off. Shen Wei began to search for the pan when he noticed that there are some utensils stored on the upper shelf on the side of the kitchen. So he brought a tripod and climbed over. He probed over the shelf with his hands when he felt something crawling through his fingers. "Yikes!!" In a sudden shock, he lost his footing and began to fall.

Fortunately, Yunlan was nearby and caught him by his waist but, unfortunately, Yunlan also lost his balance and they both fell on the floor with a thud sound, with Yunlan on his back and Shen Wei over his body.
"OUCHH!!!." That might hurt a lot.
(A/n: yeah right, pretty classic scene huh?)

For a while, they were lying on the ground contemplating what had just happened. Their faces were so close, both wallowing in each other's breaths.

Yunlan's back was on fire due to the impact of fall, but he decided to forget it, for now, revelling himself in the other's pearly eyes adorned by long lashes, thick and expressive eyebrows, soft cheeks that are becoming red by each second, those mesmerizing pink lips that are parting ways and closing in anticipation...

Shen Wei struggled to raise as they were in not so good position. Alas! Once again he fumbled and fell straddling Yunlan's body. Yunlan cursed in his mind when Wei's thigh touched a certain part of his body amidst this chaos.

Both of them instantaneously flushed red. Somehow managing to sit up and then standing straight, Shen Wei awkwardly ran to his room leaving a baffled Yunlan on the floor.

Yunlan on the other hand was also so embarrassed for his inability to control 'certain bodily reactions'. But how can we accuse Yunlan here when the very angel he is dreaming of for over a year is swimming on his poor body?

And thus, that night ended up with Yunlan taking a cold shower at night with a paining back and both sleeping on empty stomachs.


The next day, they went to the office like yesterday never even existed.

Days and weeks passed by.

In the office, they are a perfect match of boss and subordinate with no other strings attached and at home, they are two best friends chit-chatting and dining together.

Eventually, Yunlan's friends noticed that there is not so much going between them( like what should happen in a romantic relationship of course). So they decided to take the role of cupid themselves to make sure these two are together.

Their ways of acting cupid include very silly to serious pranks like:-

Wang Zheng and Sang Zan acting too much lovey-dovey before them to incite jealousy (not at all an issue for SW and ZYL, can pass as long as they pretend they didn't see it),

Wei's computer always crashing down which can only be repaired by the great CEO himself (true, these people can be so insensitive sometimes),

both getting trapped in a closed lift for hours alone (unbearable for Wei while somebody was in heaven for sure),

tricked to a lunch date in a highly romantic environment secretly set up by them (which Yunlan appreciated quite a lot, really)...

etcetera...all of these which ultimately leads to one of them ending up masturbating in the shower while the other takes himself into his hands to cool down, in their respective rooms at night. After all, the word 'endurance' has a particular limit, right?

The love is there indeed but their physical relationship seemed to be progressed nowhere except for the sudden pecks Yunlan dared to steal sometimes. So that's why Shen Wei decided to put a stop to all those 'aforementioned' weird nights by himself. He is certain that Yunlan won't do anything further than those kisses fearing his reaction. He felt guilty because he is the reason Yunlan seemed to be with no one since they met.

Hence after dinner when Yunlan went to his room, Shen Wei followed him. Shen Wei is nervous as a wreck, but he can't go back now. It's now or never. Yunlan was about to enter the bathroom when Shen Wei wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, his head resting on Yunlan's shoulders.

Yunlan's breath hitched as he felt Shen Wei's hot breath on his neck. By putting his hands over those delicate arms he asked, "Xiao Wei, what are you doing?"

But Yunlan received no response from the person behind him, except for the further tightening of the hold around his waist. This closeness is quite unbearable for Yunlan. His heartbeat rose. He can feel fire starting on his body.

"Xiao Wei, don't do this. I won't be able to hold back, you know?"

"Then don't hold back." Wei slowly whispered to his ears. His heart seemed to explode. Yunlan felt like he is now floating in a blissful dream. He turned himself to face the sole reason for his current predicament.

Yunlan cupped Shen Wei's cheeks and lifted his face as Wei wrapped his arms around Yunlan's neck. Yunlan could see the lust in those half-lidded hazy eyes. His bangs of hair are carelessly falling on the forehead, adding to the allure. Shen Wei licked his bottom lip which is now glowing in invitation. Yunlan can't stand the temptation anymore and captured those lips into his, kissing and sucking the life out of them in fervour. Then he slowly released himself from him and rushed to the bathroom after saying,

"Wait for me in the bed, babe."


Is this too soon 🤔😌??

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