Shut up, you're fuckin perfect

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I'm sick.....YAY ._. Anyways. 300+ reads o_e omfg. Thank youuuuu. As for the title. Goes for this chapter and all of you. Boy, girl, trans, pans, bi, les,gay anything. Black,white, asian, mexican. You are perfect. Don't think otherwise okay? YOU ARE MY GIRL SCOUTS YOU ARE PERFECT. :) Enjoy the chapter. This chapter is for all those teens like me, trans and gay. A friend of mine got beaten for being a gay, likes dresses and likes boy. So, this is for all of you, them and him <3  . ~Eren.

Eren's POV

"Fucking faggot!!!" I felt the kicks coming, but they hurt like hell. Ever since people saw Levi walking out of my house with me this last week, I been getting gay jokes, beatings and losing friends. He would try to tell me to ignore them, but he hasn't seen the bruises and cuts that I had, let alone knew what was really happening to me.  After a while they stopped kicking an throwing things at me they threw a couple more insults and walked away.

"Go kill yourself fag."

"Ugly piece of shit."

"Why are you even alive. My god you idiot."

I sat up and hugged my knees, letting the tears stream down my face.

From down the hall girls glared at me but squealed in delight while reading something on the wall. Posters were all around the school, and one in front of me said:

 Talent show!

Prize: 9000$ and scholarship  in a school for singing and music.

Hm, pretty sure Mikasa or Levi...or both, would try out. They both sing so well. Under the sign was a sheet of paper for try outs. And Of course. I saw Mikasa on there but no Levi.

Hearing footsteps I figured it was just more people to come and beat me up, so I closed my eye and protected my face with my hands while crying, as if to defend myself.

"E..Eren, what are you doing...?" a familiar voice asked.


"N..nothing!" I quickly removed my hands, jumping up on my feet and wincing. I ran down the hall to the bathrooms, not wanting to deal with him. My chest hurt, yes, but it's my fault he's also dealing with some insults, but I do't think anyone would try to hurt him. It's my fault for growing feelings for him and confessing them. My fault for caring. I ran into the largest stall, locking it and closing the toilet seat, I sat down adn brought my knees to my chest, hugging them.

"Maybe...I should die. Damn I hate my life. All I wanted was to be with Levi and now...i'm being beaten for it. For being seen. I don't want to live anymore. "

Levi's POV

"Maybe...I should die. Damn I hate my life. All I wanted was to be with Levi and now...i'm being beaten for it. For being seen. I don't want to live anymore. " I heard him say when I entered the bathroom.  It was a mumble, but I could hear it clearly. It sounded as if he was crying. He was being beaten? For liking me? I...I never thought it was go this far.  I've heard of people dying, for being gay or transsexual, but I never thought it would happen to Eren.  I walked over to the stall where I heard sobbing.


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