Shut up, you're fuckin perfect Part 2

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Songs used in this chapter: Demons ~ Imagine Dragons

                                                   Fuckin perfect ~ P!NK

                                                    Try ~ P!NK (All songs were listened in nightcore version :P Nightcore for lyfe.)

Levi's POV

I felt as if this was my fault, him wanting to die, him being beaten. I remembered the songs I heard on the radio today, they almost explain right now. So...I started singing.

"I want to hide the truth

I want to shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed"

~~Where there is desire

There is gonna be a flame

Where there is a flame

someone's bound to be burned

But just because it burns

doesn't mean your gonna die

You gotta get up and try and try and try

~~Made a wrong turn

Once or twice

Dug my way out

Blood and fire

Bad decisions , that's alright

Welcome to my...silly life

Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood

Miss "No way it's all good"

It didn't slow me down

Mistaken, always second guessing

Underestimated , look i'm still around..

Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel

Like you're less then, fucking perfect

Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel

Like you're nothing, you're fucking perfect to me....

I stood there after I finished, waiting for a response of any kind. I heard footsteps in the stall and then a sliding sound from the lock. And then..I heard Eren start singing.

You're so mean, when you talk

About yourself, you were wrong

Change the voices in your head

Make them like you


So complicated

Look how we all make it

Filled with so much hatred

Such a tired game

It's enough, I've done all I could think of

Chased down all my demons

I've seen you do the same

With that...I could feel tears in my eyes. I pushed on the stall door, to find it really was unlocked and open. I saw Eren with his shirt off, standing there, shirt on the floor next to him. He was crying. He didn't look at me, ashamed. I looked down...and saw the bruises and cuts, some bleeding. On his arms were scars and more cuts, some looked very recent and others looked about a week old.

Never in my life, would I have cried for a boy. I let the tears escape as I walked over to him, hugging his chest (Since that's all I can reach when he's standing up tall and straight.) .

"I..I'm so sorry Eren. This is my fault, I'm so sorry...sorry....I..I'm sorry!" I cried into his chest, and I felt his arms wrap around me

"It's not your fault Levi.."  We both fell to the floor, me crying and him just trying to explain to me it wasn't my fault. From this day and on, I will protect him, never leave his side, flip off the ones who don't agree with my love for Eren. Yes..I love him, so much, and seeing him like this killed me. No one will hurt my Eren again.

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