Advice from the uber driver

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3rd person.
Author note: I'm trying third person because it sounds a lot better in my head don't judge me.

"W-what" Andrew wasn't sure if he heard him right. Garret never kicked him out before. "I said get. Out" Garret hissed not making eye contact with the already frightened man. Andrew was still shaken up about the events that occurred prior. Maybe his nightmare was his reality. Andrew became infuriated but didn't act on it much other than slamming the door as he left. His head pounded from the hangover that he must had forgotten about. "Fuck." He muttered as he walked down the cold streets of LA. Garret must have driven him to his place because garrets car was the only vehicle in the drive way. If things couldn't get any worse it started pouring rain. Andrew pulled out his phone to call Shane because he knew his friend would help him out, but then decided against as it was still pretty early. Plus he wasn't in the mood for a Shane lecture. His hair slowly got damper and his clothes were soaked. He waited in the rain for an Uber to take him home. While he waited he began to think. What if he was just a weight on garrets shoulder. Was that why he kicked him out? Maybe it was my fault But Garret comforted him in his time of need. What did he do wrong? Andrews thoughts were soon cut off by the sight of a black car pulling up. Andrew didn't even check to see if it was his Uber. First mistake. He was so cold he just got in the car and closed the door. The driver began to drive but missed the turn that went into Andrews neighborhood. Before Andrew could correct him the driver spoke. "Garret told me everything" it was Shane.  Andrew sighed. He could picture Garret freaking out after he kicked him out and calling Shane. It was just something Garret would do. "He was just scared ok." Shane said passing a towel to Andrew. He gratefully took it rubbing it through his wet hair. "Why?" Andrew questioned. Shane let out a sigh before answering. "He's in love with you Andrew. He told me. He was stressed out because last night at the bar you guys kissed and you were flirting with him" Andrew couldn't believe his ears. The love of his life having feelings for him? "He thinks you're straight and he didn't want to fall for you harder than he already has. He thinks that if you find out you'll leave him." Shane continued. "I.. I love Garret.." Andrew finally spoke. Shane let out a relived sigh and Andrew heard a faint "I knew it" coming from his friend. "Your gona tell him right" Andrew hesitated at first before nodding. Then realizing that Shane couldn't see him he answered his question with a simple yes. "Are you gona drive me home now" Andrew let out a small chuckle as he heard Shane cuss under his breath forgetting where he was driving.

Shane dropped off Andrew and when he went into his house he could feel the silence. He hated not hearing garrets sweet laugh fill the atmosphere. Exhaustion finally kicked in, Andrew had only gotten only a few hours of sleep. He heard his phone go off but once he reached his room and flopped down onto his bed he was out cold. Thinking that could anyone could wait.

Authors note: yea it's kinda short but I'm still getting used to third person. Soooo hope you enjoyed, comment which one you liked more.

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