27 ~ Pain

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Dani's P.O.V

All I could focus on was the dead bodies that littered the hallway. The lights were flickering a little and in the further room ahead we could see that some of the glass screens had been smashed or damaged and their hologram interface system was glitching out every few seconds. The same alarm from earlier on was quietly rippling through the halls, and as soon as we all stepped into the cold room I knew something was wrong.

Teresa marches ahead of us into the main room on this corridor, the room being familiar as one she, Thomas, Aimee, Elijah and I have worked in before. The same room we made the Maze in, and now, where the Glade was controlled from...

Thomas follows her shortly, being tailed by Elijah and Aimee as they all looked in horror at what the room had now become, but I wasn't going to leave Newt's side. Instead, I lead him over to one of the test rooms on the side of the hallway, peering in through the glass to see yet another two bodies dead on what seemed to be operating tables. Yet, unlike the other bodies of the guards and what I could see of the doctors in the room ahead, these bodies were covered by blood soaked sheets. Meaning they must've been killed by Wicked before this massacre.

A shaky hand raises to cover my mouth as Newt gently pushes me away, not wanting for me to see it anymore. Instead, he leads me straight forward into the main room where slowly, but surely, everyone was migrating to.

We stick to the side of the room and survey some of the screens, the two seats in front of them occupying yet another two bodies. From what the whole room looked like, I'm pretty sure somebody got in and started shooting everybody, which also makes me think that maybe the alarm ringing off earlier for us or the Gladers, was actually meant for the intruders.

Newt pays more attention to the screens. "So they were watching us..." He announces to the room, though I'm pretty sure it was more for me. I look up at the screens and notice one was focused on the Glade.

I wonder...

I reach forward and tap the glitching screen, bringing up the camera menu and locating the one that read MAZE A  through Z. I tap on Maze A and flitter through the cameras, seeing the Maze in all of its glory through the cameras.

"I think we worked out how so many Grievers were there then..." I mumble, seeing Newt nod his head with a frown. I slowly pull him away from the side monitors and into the middle, seeing a whole new row of screens lining the panels.

But one caught my eye more than most. It was blank, except from a blinking red circle. Below it, a small notification was attached to it, reading PLAY ME.

"Hey, guys?" I call to the others, but more so to Thomas, Teresa, Aimee and Elijah. Everyone's heads pick up to look at me, and when I gesture for them to come over then do as quickly as they can. Thomas pushes forwards so that he is standing diagonally behind me, and Teresa stands directly beside him, while everyone else makes a small circle so that they can see.

Hesitantly, I press the blinking circle and feel it send a small vibration through the screen to signal I had activated it. A split second later, a tab is opening on the larger screen in front of us that was stood parallel to us, and when I see my mother's face fill the screen I grip onto Newt's hand tightly.

"Hello." The echoey and slightly robotic voice says, not taking a long pause before jumping straight into its speech. "My name is Dr Ava Paige, though I'm sure you all already know me by a different alias. Danielle's mother. I'm director of operations here at the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you are watching this, then it means my daughter and Thomas succeeded in their plan to get you all out of the Maze, which I was only made aware of a few minutes ago. And I do have to say Danielle, if you are watching this too, that the plan was something foolproof. Something only my daughter would have the brains to think about. Though I am aware that it was Elijah and Thomas who came up with the initial plan, I know that you would have thought more about the risks that you could have been faced with. And quite smartly, you went to Melissa for a little bit of help. But in making this plan, you have messed with the operations we have going here. You see, the whole point of the Maze Trails were to get the Runners to use parts of their brains that they wouldn't have necessarily used in their normal lives and now by giving them the answers their brains aren't using the right parts of itself to make the cure."

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