A Day At the Park

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A/N: This is another amazing request by @yaplaygirl - As always, thank you for all your ideas and letting me use them!<3 

I no longer have any request lined up at the moment so if there's anything you would want to read, do not hesitate to let me know! :D


 Little Osiris ran up to his mother, absolutely ecstatic by the fact that he had successfully been able to climb the pyramid rope on his own. It wasn't an entirely easy task for a 5 year old, and Osiris was proud that his mother was there to witness it.

Osiris always saw his mother work all the time and he was happy they managed to have a little bit of time together today.
They formed a really tight team. 

His mother, Y/N, made sure Osiris never lacked of anything, be it love, new clothing trends, trending toys; Y/N made sure Osiris had it and worked hard for it.

In return, Osiris was doing well in school, was well behaved and polite. He had promised himself that when he grew up, he would make sure his mother was well taken care of, the same way she had taken so good care of him as a single mother.

"Did you see, mom?" Osiris exclaimed as he reached his mom, who was sitting on a nearby bench, with a wide smile on his face.

"I sure did, you did great! Next time you're going to have to beat your time." Y/N laughed, setting him a little challenge.

"You timed it?" He asked, surprised and thrilled that his mom was just as much invested in this pyramid rope ascension than he was.

"Of course. You climbed to the top in...3 mins and 21 seconds. What's the time you want to aim for next?" She asked as she ruffled her son's short hair, playfully.

"1 minute!" He exclaimed, very determined to complete the impossible challenge of climbing this really tall standing pyramid rope. It had a few obstacles as well as a little 'resting' area.

"That's over ambitious, Ris." She called Osiris by his nickname that she had for him.

"What does 'over ambitious' mean?" He asked, curiously.

Osiris had always been a smart kid. Y/N had raised him to always ask questions, be curious about words, about everything around him. Osiris had just started to learn how to read and did a lot of it now, starting of course with easy books but it allowed him to develop vocabulary. 

"Over-ambitious means when you aim too high, more than you should, in a task you set for yourself."

"Not true, I will do it!" He said confidently, sure of his abilities to tackle the pyramid.

Osiris took very much after Y/N. The positive as well as the negative ones.

One of those traits was stubbornness. Not that it was entirely bad most of the time. But right now that stubbornness was putting Osiris at risk of trying to climb this high structure fast and if he wasn't too careful it may end with a trip to get a cast made.

"Ris, try maybe 3 minutes first. 21 seconds better than the first time right?" She tried reasoning with her stubborn bundle of joy.

He was clearly not listening as he ran back towards the pyramid, ready to climb the child version of the Everest.
Y/N's heart sank to the pit of her stomach as she saw him run. She stood up almost immediately, running after him, to make sure she was close by to secure him, if anything should go wrong.

Somewhere close to the playground in Central Park, Ariana Grande was on the phone with her manager discussing the general feel of her new album and where she wanted to go with it.

She kept an eye on Toulouse who was walking a little in front of her. He was particularly pushy today and wanted to explore everything his nose could find. Ariana struggled a few times trying to keep up with him on leash.

"I moved on from that, I want the next album to be more about hope, more about empowerment." Ariana explained to Scooter, who was on the other end of the line, not really paying attention.

Scooter had another idea for the album and Ariana thought it was downgrading; trashing all of her exes and doing breakup songs.

Ariana had stood firm on that subject. Sean was still struggling with his depression, Ricky was now a close friend, she didn't want to waste anymore time on Pete. And Mac...well Mac never deserved anything bad directed towards him. Ever.

"I'm telling you, that shit doesn't sell." Scooter replied, totally disinterested at what Ariana had just said.

"I don't care what sells. I care about the message I put out to my fans and being a vindictive bitch is not one of them." Ariana said furiously at her useless manager.

Toulouse pulled hard on the leash and since Ariana was absolutely not paying attention as she was focused on the phone call, the leash escaped her grasp and Toulouse went flying off, disappearing into nearby bushes.

Ariana dropped her phone, her heart racing in fear that Toulouse had disappeared out of her life forever. That dog meant everything to her and she was ready to dig up this whole park if it meant finding him.

At the pyramid, Y/N was facing a heart attack of her own.

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