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Today was my dream day. I was so excited. I was marrying Eric. I've been dating since my senior year of high school. That was a hard year for me. That was the year my mom died due to an overdose. She was an alcoholic ever since I was born because my dad left her once he founded out, she was pregnant. Eric kinda of been my rock since then. I was so excited. I was marrying the man of my dreams. He's helped me get a great job at a great hospital. He works there too. We went to med school together. He had an easy time getting in and paying for it. I on the other hand had to model to make money. He's one of the head surgeons at the hospital. I'm a nurse. I love getting to help people. It was weird though, my childhood best friend Taylor wasn't coming. Everyone kept telling me not to worry about her. She told me, she couldn't make it because she lives in LA. For her job and I was having the wedding at Beverly Hills. I just finished putting my wedding dress. There was a phone ringing like crazy. I picked it up and answered. "Hello" I said.

"Look Eric don't marry her just doesn't love you the way I do." The girl on the phone said. My mind started spinning was he having an affair. I just hung up the phone. I just wanted to cry.

"What's going on" my friend Allie said.

"Eric cheating on me" I said. "I need to get out of here" I said grabbing my bag.

"What" Allie said.

"Get me out of here" I said.

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