Going Back

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I was packing up all my things before we leave Vegas. I thought about everything that has happened. It's crazy we've only been here a day and now, we're going back. But, that's just their speed of doing things. I could get used to it. This were all side points of thoughts. My main thought was David. I think I ruined our whole friendship. How could I be so stupid and just kiss him. He was the first person I kissed after Eric. My mind was going crazy. What if Taylor hates me. I did kiss her boss. Then I heard a knock on the door and I pained. Was it David? I walked over to the door and I opened in to a breakfast cart. "Are you Mia Tate" The girl who had the cart asked.

"Yes" I said. I looked at the cart full of waffles with fruit.

"Well Mr. Dobrik ordered you this" The girl said and I smiled. My heart started beating. I can't be falling. I'm not falling. We're just friends.

"Thank" I said as she rolled the cart in. She put my breakfast in on the table and left a letter on the table. As she left I thanked her. I walked over to the table to admittedly read David's letter. I opened it and it read "Good morning to the most special girl with the heart of gold" I smiled. I grabbed my phone and text him 'Thank you breakfast is delicious'

'Good I'm glad' David's text read. I eat my breakfast and then finished packing my toothbrush and that type of stuff. Then my phone started ringing. It was the hospital I worked at. What if something horrible happened I thought.

"Hello" I said answering it.

"Hi Mia" My boss said.

"Oh hi Dr. Garrett" I said.

"I regret to inform you but your fired" Dr. Garrett said. I wanted to cry but was I suppose to do now. How could this happen.

"I'm sorry but what did I do" I said holding back my tears.

"It's not you but we need to let you go" Dr. Garrett said and then I thought how could left me go. Well everyone at the hospital. I worked at the hospital Eric's parents met at. They both worked there. That's why it was so important for me to be come a nurse. Once they heard I left him I probably got dropped.

"Mia I'm so sorry" Dr. Garrett said stopping my thoughts.

"It's ok thank you for everything though" I said and hung up the phone. I sink to the floor, like I did when my mom died. Maybe I should just go back to Eric. My life is with Eric. My credit cards. My clothes. My jewelry. Even my fucking job. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. All I could do was cry. Then I got a text for the group chat from David. 'Meet in the Lobby'.

I got up and wiped away my tears. I tried to pull myself together. I zipped up my suitcase, did another check to make sure I didn't forget anything. I tried not to think about it. What a way to ruin a perfectly good trip. Well, maybe I started the ruining with kissing Taylor's boss. I got in the elevator and when down to the lobby. But on my way the elevator stopped for Taylor, Natalie and Jason. "Good morning" I said.

"Good morning" They all said and then the elevator closed.

"So how was your night" Jason asked.

"It's was good" I said then looked at the doors.

"They know" Taylor said and I looked at her.

"I don't know what to say" I said and began to feel everyone judge me. They were probably all thinking about how I could do that.

"It's fine, he really likes you it's clear" Natalie said with a smile then the elevator doors opened the lobby to find David waiting for everyone with Carly and Erin.

"Hey" Jason said as we walked over there.

"I got to go to the bathroom" Taylor said.

"Oh I'll go with you" I said and we both walked to the bathroom leaving our luggage with the group.

"Look I'm sorry I kissed your boss" I said. I truly was.

"Hey don't be sorry, he's a good guy" Taylor said.

"Yeah but I should have not done that" I said.

"Why" Taylor asked as she got into a stall.

"Because he was the first person who I kissed beside Eric" I said. "And your first kiss after a relationship is suppose to be a random" I added.

"Yeah but who knows maybe it's fate" Taylor said as she washed her hands.

"Yeah but I live with him it's going to be so awkward" I said handing her some paper towels.

"Well how was the kiss" Taylor asked.

"It's was different like a good different though" I said.

"Then I say go for it" Taylor said.

"I don't know for the simple fact after this kiss that morning I got a call from work I'm fired" I said.

"I'm so sorry but you know it's Eric's parents right" Taylor said and I was amazed about how fast she could pick this up compared to me.

"Yeah kinda" I said as we walked back to the group to see that Zane join us and now we were just waiting for Mariah and Zane.

"Hi" David said as I stood next to him.

"Hi" I said with a smile.

We all got in a couple cars. David couldn't get enough for all of us. So one car ended up just being us. "Thanks for everything again" I said.

"No problem you really are special to me I hope you know that" David said and I thought this must be how Cinderella felt when Prince Charming saved her. David might be my Prince Charming but I could never tell him that. Well not yet at least. The whole car ride we talked about the trip and how much fun it was. Then we got on the plane and we sat next to each other and there was a stranger too. I felt asleep admittedly because I didn't sleep much last night. David let me sleep on his shoulder.

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