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After having our ice cream, David drove me back home. I know what love feels like now. This is it, having him right by me. Knowing he's going to do anything, and I'll do anything for him. He's such a good guy. He's funny and he's treats me like a princess. The gate opened to find no cars there beside, Natalie and Taylor. David parked and looked me smiling. I couldn't stop. "What" David asked smiling.

"Nothing it's just I'm happy to be here with you" I said smiling.

"Well I'm happy to be with you" David said holding my hand.

"I don't want this night to end" I said putting my head on his shoulder.

"Well, it doesn't have to we can watch a movie" David said.

"Ok" I said and David opened the doors. David and both walked inside. We walked in and saw a note on the counter 'Taylor and Natalie when to bed, Zane was to drunk to leave, and don't worry I filmed it-Jason'.  I walked over to the couch to find a passed out Zane. He was fast asleep.

"We can just watch the movie in my room" David said and I shook my head yes. He grabbed my hand and walked over to his room. We got to his room and we both when on his bed. David and I decide just to watch an episode of Drake and Josh. I put my head on his shoulder. David gave me when of his sweatshirts and a matching pair of his sweatpants. We laughed throw the whole episode.


I woke up to find myself in David's arms, in his bed. I looked over, to see sleepy David fast asleep. Then, I realized Taylor wasn't going to like this. I got straight out of bed, and went to the kitchen. I started making coffee. I found a rubber band and put my hair up. "There you are" Taylor said, to me.

"I really wanted coffee" I said and pouring a cup of coffee.

"I never heard you come in last night, what did you and David do last night" Taylor said.

"We just talked he knows everything" I said drinking some of my coffee.

"Nothing just talking with you remember our first high school party" Taylor said.

"That's all it was" I said.  

"Sure" Taylor said slipping on her cup of coffee.

"What does that mean" I asked.

"I'm just saying, he's still my boss Mia" Taylor said putting drop her coffee cup and David came out.

"I got to pee" I said and ran over to the bathroom. I grabbed David before Taylor could notice him standing there.

"Hi I was going to make you breakfast in bed" David said and my heart started beating like crazy. He's so sweet to me and makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine. But, he's Taylor's boss.

"Your so sweet but I don't think we can do this anymore" I said looking at the floor. I couldn't look at him as I said this because I would just want to kiss him and tell him I don't. But, I need to do this for Taylor. She's been my best friend since kindergarten and friends don't change.

"What" David said confused.

"Your Taylor's boss" I said looking up at him trying not to cry. I didn't want to say this. I wanted to see where this takes us. I wanted to see David as more than a friend.

"What does that have to do if anything" David asked.

"Taylor doesn't want you to fire her because of us well, if we date" I said.

"Well, I want to see you" David said putting her hands around my waist.

"I want to see you too" I said.

"Then we can have a little secret right" David asked. I never lied to Taylor. But I needed to see David. I needed to be with him. He's the one I want.

"Yeah" I said.

"Then let's keep this on the down low" David said and led into a kiss.

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