Chapter 2

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Being home somedays are more stressful than others.

When I get home, it's always the same routine. I leave my baggage, whatever it may be, at the door before making my way down the hall to my mom's room to wake her up. We check her vitals, fill her up on water and pills, before I start making dinner. Dad gets home late, but tries to help me with anything he can.

Some days I pick up my brother, Leo, from the middle school down the street. Some days he walks home because he likes to socialize with the kids on our street.

He claims he wants to be a normal "teenager", so I don't pick him up today.

Instead I roll down the windows, letting the wind flow through my car, blasting music. It feels good for while, until I pull up to my driveway. I love my family without a doubt, but sometimes I wish that my life hadn't been turned into a pity party.

We were one of those families who loved traveling together. We would explore everything.

It was good back then.

I swallow any traces of that thought before entering the house. My dog Cherié, which is French for sweetheart, follows me to my room. I bend down to scratch her ear before letting her settle on my bed. Mindlessly, I change out of my basic white top and jeans, switching them out for a comfy oversized t shirt and shorts.

I tend not to enjoy getting oil burns and stains on my white shirts.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, I look around at the mess in my room. It's just one more thing to add to my to do list.

The room was painted a light shade of lavender when we moved in, but it doesn't really matter now since I've practically covered every inch of the walls with pictures, paintings, and posters. Bookshelves and my dresser are stacked with small memories.

Sometimes they make me smile, sometimes they make me cry. It's all in the process of growing up I guess. 

I kiss Cherié on her head, making my way down to Mom's room quietly. I cautiously open the door, closing it behind me just in case Leo gets home early.

We had the guest room painted a light shade of Carolina blue, Mom's favorite color, when she needed to be moved from the master bedroom. Monitors were beginning to pile up, and space became non existent.

We tried our best to make the place feel like home. And maybe it does to her, but something never felt right about this room to me. 

"Momma, time to wake up." I whisper gently, rubbing my thumb across the top of her hand.

"Charli?" Her voice is hoarse from sleep as she looks up at me. I immediately place a cup of water to her lips, which she takes gratefully, a smile forming on her face.

"I didn't see you this morning." She notes, as I record her vitals in her daily notebook.

I smile, "It's okay. I took care of breakfast and Dad dropped Leo off at school before he went to work."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry for taking that time away from you in the morning."

I frown slightly. "It's okay, Momma. I'm just glad you got some sleep. Never worry about me."

She smiles gratefully, but I notice it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Her smiles rarely do anymore.

Glancing back up at the monitor screen, I note her blood pressure before setting the notebook down. I grab her pre-organized medicine, handing them to her in a small cup. She takes them easily, before pushing herself up and off the bed.

"Woah." I help steady her as she stands.

She laughs lightly. "I'm okay, Sweetpea. Just have to go to the bathroom."

Sincerely, Charli DayWhere stories live. Discover now