Facing Kikuoka's R.A.T.H | Kirito's accidental virtual waifu | part 6

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"Kirito, hurry!"

I nod and grab Asuna's un-injured hand as we rush down the corridor together.

In front of us stood Professor Rinko, accompanied by her driver from before.

Professor Rinko takes one look at Miki and nods at us both.

"This way, explain the plan to me again," she says as she guides myself and Asuna down a long corridor, surrounded by straight and narrow grey, metallic walls.

"We need to hook Miki to a Soul Translator if we want to save her, without getting in the way of Kikuoka," I say while running and holding Miki's lifeless body tightly in my arms.

Professor Rinko uses the badge around her neck to open a door.

"Quickly, this way," she instructs, as we all pass through the door.

Asuna tugs on my sleeve.

"Where exactly are we?"

"We're in one of the Ocean Turtle's labs...Kazuto, hurry, I've overridden the security system only long enough for you to place Miki in a Soul Translator!" Professor Rinko yells while typing a code into a control panel in the center of the room to keep Kikuoka out of the room.

"Got it!"

I take a moment to look around and analyze my surroundings.

I look downwards at Miki in my arms.

"Alright, Miki...let's find you a Soul Translator."

"Kirito, need a hand?"

I nod firmly at Asuna, who looks at me with a familiar determination in her eyes.

Asuna and I start rushing around the room, in hopes of locating a Soul Translator for Miki to use.

The room itself was covered with giant broken metal scraps of what looked like to be abandoned projects of Kikuoka's.

"Kirito, over here!"

"You found one!?"

I rush to Asuna's side to find a peculiar looking structure covered by a blanket.

With one arm holding Miki and my other hand free, I nod at Asuna as she and I grab each side of the blanket and pull it off.

As we do so, specks of dust fly into our faces.

As we both cough from the dust, our eyes widen in shock as we realize what is in front of us.

"Kirito, that's a-"

"A Soul Translator!"

Placed in front of us, covered by dust particles, was in fact a Soul Translator.

As I walk towards the machine to inspect it, I hear a sudden thud noise.

I watch in horror as a piece of the Soul Translator, the main transfer unit, falls to the floor.

I kneel down to the broken unit piece and clench my teeth.


Asuna kneels down to my side and holds my shoulder in concern.

"Can it be fixed?"

"I-I don't know..."

Suddenly, we both hear a murmur and loud gasp.

We both look downwards at my lap.

It was Miki.


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