Planning Ahead (Chapter 25)

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"So what's the plan?"

Y/N: It might not be comfortable, but it is a plan to get into ATLAS.

Weiss: What's the plan?

Y/N: It involves you Weiss. For the record, this might be the only time where I think bringing tons of luggage is useful, Miss Schnee.

Weiss: What do you mean? All of the equipment in there is USEFUL and really expensive...

Y/N: Eh, debatable. But, this time, instead of using the luggage for your stuff, we're just putting people in it.

Weiss: I can't carry it all by myself!

Y/N: I'll help you.

Ruby: But, (Y/N)... We'll be leaving you behind...

Y/N: It's the only way. I can reach ATLAS fine on my own.

Yang: Here.

You catch Yang's keys.

Yang: Just be careful with it, okay?

Y/N: I will. Thanks Yang.

Ren: So, should we start going now?

Y/N: No. Not yet. I feel like we should enjoy a little bit time off.

Ruby: We can't waste another second standing here!

Y/N: We'll get the chance. We haven't had a break yet Ruby, and I'm pretty sure some of our members need rest before we leave for departure. We can go shopping tomorrow, for now, just rest. I'm pretty sure we all need it. I mean after all, most of us are on edge.

Pyrrha opens up her scroll.

Jaune: What is it?

Pyrrha: Ah... One of my relatives lived here..

Y/N: You have a mother?! OH MAI GOD!

Pyrrha: Actually yes, my mother lives around here.

Y/N: That's awesome! You should probably go and see her!

Pyrrha: Jaune, is it-

Jaune: Of course it is Pyrrha. We'll be back everyone.

They both each others hands.

Y/N: I hope you guys have a fun evening!

Pyrrha: We will!

They close the door as Saphron comes running down.

Saphron-Cotta: Did my baby brother just leave?

Y/N: Yeah. Left with his girlfriend to go meet his mother's girlfriend.

Saphron-Cotta: Awwh,my baby Jaune is all grown up!

Y/N: He is all grown up. From a baby to a hunter. Ruby.

Ruby: Huh?

Y/N: I believe Maria wants to talk to you out in the backyard.

Ruby: Oh got it!

Ruby walks outside as you sigh for a bit, you walk to the front door to take a scroll through the city.

Weiss: Hey (Y/N).

Y/N: Hm?

You look behind you as you were about to leave.

Weiss: You mind if we can at least get prepared for it?

Y/N: Sure. You can go shopping tonight.

Weiss: That's great! We should probably get going girls!

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