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"I had a dream.. I got everything I wanted.."

Vera's POV

"maybe you should go check out that new boutique next store. I'll probably take a long time here"
Mrs Jones insists as we stand in front of her cooking class.
After a long time, I decided to stroll to the next store..

"Antisocially fitted" was the name of the boutique

How coincidental!
I'm anti social! I mumble to myself

I take a look at the glass view.. No way.. Is that..

Sallie and Davina??
Before I opened the door, I was yelling their names but realised that it was sound proof
I now looked like a lunatic according to people's facial expressions
Not my fault

I open the glass door and walk straight to the shoe section

Finally. I'm going to be happy.
Sallie turns back with her bubbly attitude. I miss this girl
She looked shocked and happy at the same time

I had my arms wide open, but instead, Sallie screams

"Veraaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" she screams making all the customers attention focused on us

Okay.. That was way too much

"We thought you were dead" Davina says calmly
This is what I missed
Real ones.

They both hug me tenderly.. But Sallie doesn't let go squeezing the life out of me

"Okay Sal, that's enough!" Davina says struggling to pull her away from me

"I've missed you Vera" she says almost crying
Tears of joy.
"you're not the only one" I say laughing
"How's mum" Davina asks
Then I freeze..
I'll tell them
"oh... She died a few months back" I say looking down

They both pause for a second
"and your dad?" Sallie adds
They just had to ask.
"he's gone too.. That was the week after I left" I say

"I'm so sorry Vera" they both say in Unison
They both hug me again
Just like old times.

"But who are you staying with?" Davina asks

"A nice old lady" I say

"let's forget that... Look how big you've grown! You even have bigger breasts!!" Sallie says

What's up with what's on the chest though??

I smile
"thanks for the weird compliment"

"How's the school though?" Davina adds
Why these annoying questions?!

"Horrible" I say almost immediately

"What??" Sallie asks

"Yeah... How so??" Davina asks

"They call me names, they bully me, they even beat me for fucks sakes!! We're literally class mates and they treat me like I'm fucking garbage! All I ask for is just one day to be given a little bit of human respect! Is that too hard for them to do? I didn't do anything in particular to make them angry at me.. But they seem to believe that I'm just a fucking outsider. I've been in that school for two freaking years, and yet they think I don't belong there... I don't even have one person to call a friend! Even the teachers see me as a dumbass fool! It's like everywhere I go, I've never had the chance to have a voice of my own..I'm just sick and tired of it all! " I say
Before I knew it, tears rolled down my cheeks freely

I haven't told anyone that before. Not even Mrs Jones.

" don't cry" Davina says hugging for the third time
"it'll be okay" Sallie says rubbing my face
I hope she's right.
I want it to be okay.

"it's getting dark... I think I should go back to the next store" I say wiping my face

"before you go, give us your number.. You're on WhatsApp right?" Davina asks

I let out a soft laugh
"what idiot isn't?"

"a lot" She says laughing too

I give them my number. Then again, we hug for the last time.. At least for the mean time.


"You've been smiling since we got back.. Hope you didn't meet a boy at the boutique" Mrs Jones asks

What's with boys??

I smile
"No no no.. Nothing like that.. I had an encounter with some of my old friends"

"oh really? Were they males or females?" she asks again

Again! With the boys??

"Girls Mrs Jones!" I say laughing

"just be careful" she says again and walks out of my room

So much for having privacy.

A vibration came from my phone.. Its probably one of the girls
I roll on my bed to take it from my bed drawer

Then I see a new group "Lost but Found😭💜💜"

I laugh to myself
It was probably Sallie that came up with this name

I decide to just  greet them

Me: hey guys!

Sallie: The lost sheep's here!! 😭😭❤

Davina: We've really missed you Vera😏 that short time we had today wasn't enough😁

Sallie: really hope we could see one more time.. Or even lots of time😁😁💜

Me: Awwww😄 I missed you guys too

Sallie: Vera, you know after you left, Tommy came the following week to ask if you were just kidding..


Me: go on!! I can't be in suspense

Davina: geez😂 calm down Vera😅😏 it's not like you still like him😏

I don't actually.. I moved on

Sallie: he wanted to apologise for the way he said his final goodbye to you.. According to him..it was too much to take in😌

Wow. Just like what the hell was that?

Me: oh.. You have his number? 😑

Davina: ooouuuu😍😍 someone's in love again 💗 but ill send it now

Davina immediately sends the number
I leave the group chat to just say hi to him

Me: Hey..

How was that?
At least this kinda ended on a good note- or did it? 😂

Well hope you liked it...

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Ini loves you😘😍❤💜💕

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