23. Make It Right

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"Let's pretend like we never knew each other, then whenever you need me, I'll pretend like I don't know you"

Vera's POV

"What the heck? You should've told him about your meeting with your brother" Florence suggests.

I'm here laying on her bed telling her the mistake I made..

"But the project isn't something that needs to be done by two people, don't you think he wants to to tell me something very important??" I say feeling eager to know the reason behind all this.

"What's more important, finally being in a good place with your long forgotten brother or Tobi asking you out?"

Wait what?!

Did I hear correctly??

"Asking me out? You know about this"

"Nooo! Isn't that what was on your mind? I mean why else will he want to meet you?" Florence says rolling her eyes

Drama queen.

"Coming to think of it, that might be the real reason... But its hard to choose-

"Get your head out of the clouds Vera! You must tell Tobi you can't meet on Saturday because you have a family thing you urgent need to attend to" She says with a change of tone

I sigh and roll over to her side.

"Why's life so harddd" I whine

"Sometimes, the one person you really want to be with, might not the person you're meant to be with... Its not your fault if you're not meant to be. Vera just tell him how you feel before it's too late.. Even though he might not feel the same, you'll regret not telling him... Trust me" Florence says playing with my hair.

When did Flo suddenly become a love expert?

"where did you get all that from?"  I ask with shock

"Wattpad, duhhh. I've read too many books to know how all these ends"

"well I hope you're right.."

"So what have you decided on? Are you going to see your brother on Saturday" Florence asks.

Well I guess I have no other choice.

"Nah I'll do the project with Tobi instead"

I could've sworn Florence was a blackbelt, because the kind of smack she gave me on my arm was the kind you'd get if you were caught stealing meat from the pot.

Damn it was painful as hell.

You definitely deserved it!

"What the fuck! Ouchhhh that hurt" I whine rubbing my pained arm

"That's for being an ass"

"Gosh Flo I was kidding. I'm not doing the project with Tobi" I say

And believe me, I was really kidding, I just wanted to see her reaction.

And that was the worst mistake I've ever made.

"Yeah right, you better must've been joking because there's a lot more where that came from" she threatens raising both fists in the air.

I fear this girl more and more each day.

"Then I'll break the news to Tobi on Friday."

"As long as you cancel your schedule with him before Saturday, any day's fine by me" Florence adds and starts  rummaging through her new lip gloss collection.

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