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All those silly mistakes you've made..
All those choices you made..
You wish you could take them back,
You wish you never thought of it.
After the deed is done,
it seems sweet at first,
but in the end its one sour meal...
Regrets haunt you everyday,
Eating up your poor soul.
You're screaming for help in your head.
You're already dead.

It's not your fault you made those choices..
It's not your fault you listen to the voices screaming in your head.
It's the society
It's society that pushes you to it
It's society that laughs at you when you fail
Its society that kills.

                                        ~Inioluwa (Me)

Modern Loneliness
We're never alone but always depressed
Love my friends to death,
But I never call and I never text

Modern Loneliness
You get what you give
And you give what you get

Modern Loneliness
We all take it high,
But we don't know how to come down.

                                                ~Modern Loneliness by Lauv

Vera's POV

"How are you feeling now Vera?" Mrs Jones asks as she runs through my hair.

I'd just woken up after removing my bone marrow for Johnny.

This hospital's really cold...

"I need a blanket" I say as I struggle to say those words.

Did they also do something to my mouth?

Oh right!

It's been two weeks after I met my younger brother.

My encounter with Johnny was really weird and at the same time amazing. He was really taller than me and it was so so awkward when he tried hug me. He mostly asked how I was coping with Nigeria's education system, and believe me, I tried to avoid answering...

He also asked me if I was seeing anyone and I was proud to admit that I had a handsome boyfriend.

He was surprised I had because he thought it was forbidden at my age in the country. Well he was right though, but when Mrs Jones found out from Florence, she embraced it..

It's been a long way for me to get to where I am now.

I mean I thought I would never get over my mother's death, I thought I'd be miserable. I kinda lost hope in myself and in anything.

Then just as I was about to let go, I found a pint hope in someone I never had the chance to thank.

Florence was there for me at my worst times.. She's a real friend.

Now I know it's not yourself alone that makes one miserable, but it's the society. What we're surrounded by and who we know. It's society that pushes your bad thoughts and brings them to reality. It's society that creates your flaws. It's society that kills.

Finally... I'm done with this book.

Thank you for your contributions.. Thank you so much for your time and support.

It means a lot to me.

Also, don't forget to vote and comment...

I'm thinking of writing a sequel, but who knows 😅

Thank you once again...

Ini loves you 💜✨

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