20.Mind Is A Prison

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"I won't give up on hope, secure another rope. I'll try for another day"

Vera's POV

"Vera what will you do?" Mrs Jones asks as she walks to the other side of my bed.

I'm going to do what I really want.
No one's going to lead me again.

"Honestly, I don't know.. What if I don't make it?"

"There's a 0% chance you won't make it. Its a fact. Since your immune system is strong, you can live without it. Do t worry Vera. What I'm asking is.. Do you want to give in?"

Do I want to?

"I don't know" I say again

She sighs and gets up.

She pauses and looks at me, but I keep my eyes glued to the floor.

"You know Vera, I know what they've done to you in the past. Even though you might not have forgiven them, besides that, he's still your brother. And I know you too well. If you don't do it now, it's something you'll regret later"

she finishes and walks away, closing the door behind her.

What do I do now??

I know I should give in, but maybe they have a deeper need behind all these.

Can they?


"What's wrong with you?" Florence asks catching up to my pace on our way to the Cafeteria

I keep my eyes glued to the walk way.

"C'mon Vera answer me. You've been moody all day. Did anything happen to Mrs Jones??" she asks

She has asked this question several times.

"No." I finally respond.

"Then what's going on in that head of yours?"

I sigh and shake my head.

"You wouldn't get it Florence.." I say as we sit down in our usual spot.

"I was there when your grandma got kidnapped. I was there when your friends left you, and If I know better, I know everything about you. So what's there not to get"

"You don't know everything!" I snap at her

My reaction took her aback

She stares at me with shock.

"What happened?" she asks more worried

This isn't what I need right now.

Without saying any other word, I walk away from the cafeteria.

I hope there's no one in the class.

"Vera!" she calls back.

I forgot something!
I rolls my eyes at what I was about to do, I turn around and pick up my History project.

"Wait!" she says again

I ignore her and resume to class.


"Thank you class, have a great day!" History teacher finalises and leaves.

After how many decades.

It's already the end of school.

Today went by really super fast.. I couldn't think straight in each class I attended.

The subject teachers either called my attention or threatens me.

Now.. Time to go back home.

My thinking place..

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